Yes friends. Once again this is a look back of the highlights of jed's 2009! I dare say this was my best yr yet! But i know 2010 will be a better year with my pink IC back with me! Oh well, let's get this started!
V DAY! hahaha yes we did it again. The day where all the hopeful singles comes out to enjoy the love for each other. Once again in this picture, im glad to say some has finally left the grp to be unite with their new half! =) AND IN 2010. IT HAS FINALLY COME TO PASS, JED WILL NOT BE SPENDING VAL DAY WITH YOU ALL ANYMORE!!! Cos it's cny and i nid to pai nian. hahaha!
2. All the 21st birthdays.
For starters, congrats once again all the 21st ppl. Im not sure about you, but ever since i hit 21 i felt more like an adult. (heh heh heh) But this year has really been fun with all the partying and i rly rly spent a lot last yr just on presents! Well im glad it's over, but this yr, it's OTHER ppl 21st!!! worrying.... Anyway enjoy the life of adulthood! it's not that bad!
3. Planning my own birthday.
This yr was abit different than the usual. I was trying to squeeze everybody together for a one time celebration. And im glad it all worked out with all the budget constraints!!!
4. Jed's 21st
This is the nicest card EVER!!! 5. Driving Licence!!!!
6. Australia!!!
7. Baptism 8. Ending the year well with W506!!!
YAY! Anyway after in the evening will be a post of new yr resolution. Stay tune!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
i didn't meant to hurt you. it was just something that was kept in my heart for so long. I apologise, please, help me know more. i really didn't mean it.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
hey haven been blogging for awhile. just been spending some time jamming and lots of time playing ps3! hahahaha! ok for starters i just got to haf a few shoutouts.
Oh yea im officially baptised now. Im called jed(jedidiah) which means friend of God! hopefully i can hold on to that end of the name! haha which reminds me of the american pie line.
My name. My Legacy!
anyway i will try my best to blog sth that is on my mind for a pretty long time already. keep a lookout for it!
Finally going to make my way there. This wk hasnt been any exciting, but it was awesome just to be on a lil road trip wif baba seet for some degree applications. Darn, i regret not studying hard in poly. It's really coming back to haunt me just trying to get into other instituition other den sim. Pondering on whether to go for honours or a simple degree will cut it for me. Then again, these are things that i can work on after my trip. hah!
Honestly, i haven felt the excitement(anxiety) coming yet. to me, it's probably just a uber long outfield. the part of Australia haven really sunken in either. Appreciates the well wishes many have given me. Like lileng said, nobody will miss me, and i tink so too! it's too short of a trip, think abt it this way. Dun see me for the usual three times and i'll be back to bug you in no time!
Personally i think for now i will rly miss joy. haha she's the newest addition to us and at an age of 10 yrs old. she's awfully irritating and cute at the same time. Never fails to put me down, yet make me laugh at the same time. I think she will grow up to be like venis though! hahaha! Anyway joy if you see this(i noe u wun. u dun even rmb how i look like), this big bro in china is going to australia to continue to serve in army. So i'll see YOU and ur MMS rly soon! stay nice dun be naughty drink more water!
Anyway, things to accomplish there will be to..
1. lose some weight. Having really been watching what i eat and gaining lots of weight. Time to go thr in time of dire straits and lose those chumps! unlesss thr's fish n chip for meal everyday!
2. Work on my spiritual life - Im going to be baptised soon. and i haven really got time to prepare due to the fact i will be baptised on the same day i touched down to Singapore!!! Haha this 3 wks will be like Jesus in the wilderness, hopefully i come out of mine a lot stronger den before!!!
Ok i rly hope they see it. And i really hope i will be the one informing you face to face. PRAY JED PRAY!!!
This wk is the last wk of Nov im going to spend in Sg. Hah the next time i'm back, i hope. I will be..
BAPTISED! yay! haha, i have officially a wk left to tell my family about it. Cause on the day i touched down from the plane, i will get baptised! =D
I dun tink i nid to write where im going and all already, since im VERY naggy and i like to harp alot. hahaha!!! oh man, going to miss the people. but hey! 29th i'll be back! =)
And we will all be happier on Dec. =))
Have been thinking quite a bit about different decisions that i am about to make. Whether it's sch after ORD, or just church matters. I'm just feeling insecure about the choices im going to make. Some days u feel like u can do EVERYTHING! Others u dun think u can quite make the cut. As you guys know, im not very wise in making decisions, some how, it just happen and i always live with it regretting. The tougher path. haha! So today's sermon really spoke to me, to trust God's calling. My DREAM.
=)) i'll probably share more indepth along the wk, since im booking out on tues nite! Keep praying for me yea?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Heh, yes people. i PASSED my driving test!!! Thank God for coming through for me! haha, imagine i was all jitters during the waiting time n i spent it praying, standing on His promises.
Guess what, that feeling was really.. once i sat in the car and placed my hands on the steering wheel, i immediately felt the peace of God.
"Yes God, let's do this."
And yep, i passed! haha! have been driving ever since as long there's an available vehicle. Yes, im not that good yet, but yea i PASSED! haha!
These few days i just keep forgetting stuffs. Not the very big ones, but really the little ones. Many times in life, it's not the big things that causes the big hoohaas in your life. It's the little ones too.
God is concern with your details too.
I remember wanting to write this post few days back, but i keep forgetting what i wanted to pen(or type in this matter =X) down, i find myself getting stuck at a certain point, and had to just go through, leaving the details behind. I think the revelation for this particular week is indeed to,
Let God fight your battle
This principle came so true for me this wk. I didn't want to fight anymore, and decided to trust and let GOD. He came through for me, and at that point i knew, He is fighting for me, He won't give up halfway. And true enough i felt the PEACE of God in my tp, and i PASSED!
Indeed, this feeling has been stuck with me, and for some reason i cannot remember it. Sigh, see how fast people tend to forget the little details of the supernatural, when we place so much focus on details of LV/Gucci/BALLY(TY!!!) goods. It was until during svc when i'm suddenly reminded about the feeling, and i had to pen it down immediately. :)
God done it for David, He done it for Jesus, and if He DOES it for ME. Im ABSOLUTELY SURE He will do the same for you! Trust His heart! :)
Today was also the first time im serving in Attributes, of cos, God makes sure i remember this for life. This was shared during the briefing,
Philippians 4:13 - I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me!
Man. im super tensed up now!!!! it's like butterflies in the stomach+the heart racing all together.
I tink im partly so tensed cos, to be honest. im nt a gd driver. I 'AGAR' everything through during my driving. it's like bad habits die hard!!! haha, but WHO DOESN'T AGAR AFTER HE/SHE PASSED?! ok, i probably haven earned the right to do 'agaration' yet. "STEEEEL" i hope i will get to share a really good testimony tis wk!
Prayers are really efficient with FAITH! Had a setback for tomorrow tp initially.
PC smsed to tell me i might not be able to go for my tp tml. For some reason when i replied, i felt prompted to not fight like i used to when i get unreasonable demands in army. Now i come to realisation, Trust and let God do it. So i replied nicely, asking for PC to just help me out. After that, some of us went into prayers and i felt really good about it. And hold and BEHOLD, i got a call from PC that he's able to let me clear half day off to do my TP and wished me all the best for it! hah see what prayers can do!
I recalled how i used to pray for cab every sun at the most inaccessible places =X and the cab will just come. And im glad to say, it still works. haha!
hah, as much as im tensed now. im also quite excited to see whether prayers will come to pass tomorrow!!! I really hope i do well, unlike previous attempt of 22pts n 1 immediate failure...
And lizheng did sth quite funny today, he was using my bb to surf websites today and went to an online shopping website tt i intend to get stuff from, and started browsing thru kid's clothes! See, the generation is going through a transition right before our eyes. how can we not stay tune and see what happened next!
I shall come forth as gold. watch my plan birth forth.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Ok. i tink i got to limit the use of 'Prototype' for awhile. it has gt me quite giddy and nauseous for awhile.
oh. no. im getting older arent i? haha! oh yea before i forgot
Anyway, i haven been updating a lot abt my army life. It's definitely getting better, just a lot of route marches to prepare us for Aussie exercise coming next month. I have been attending cg wif jelly legs, blisters and abrasion for awhile. haha! oh well, the toughest is yet to come, but hey W506! Rmb,
Also, i was just accepted into Attributes ministry! haha, the interview was quite funny,
Interviewer: Why out of so many ministries u want to join Attributes?
Me: To be honest, im currently still serving NS, but i want to serve in a ministry.
Interviewer: oh ok.. but u haven answered my question. why Attributes?
Me: haha, ok to tell u frankly, My cgl suggested Attributes. so here i am! I dun want to say so much of a hoohaa thing, but ya, just want to be frank.
And the interviewer was quite nice, she gave me an insight what's it about and yea. cant wait to serve after being around for so long!
On a sidenote. I really hope im able to really hold up to be a place of influence to the people outside the walls of church, and impact with what i learnt in church. And yep,
meant to blog earlier n get some slp before i report back to camp in 7 hrs time, bt im unavailable to do so due to the sudden change of events. ok, it's not tt sudden, i kinda expected it to happen. Anyway today i wanted to blog something rly long tt i typed out my train of thoughts in my bb b4 reaching home. but first, a shout out to the ppl i love.
yay, ok back to wat i wanted to type. I went to zonghan(happy birthday dude!) party on fri and took a cab back. The cab driver stopped in front of me, apparently there was another passenger in the cab, but he still offered to send me back. I swore, for the first 2-3 mins i was thinking whether im seeing things. tt probably there is not a person in front... but well.. u noe. hah! *sweats* The cab driver clarified that he's going supper with his wife, and saw me so decided to pick me up. It's the first time i actually encounter this, and the uncle is probably the nicest taxi driver in the world. He told me he will not charge me the midnight charge and even asked me when i reached my house whether i want to join the couple for supper! hah! but it was quite a sweet scene that i was in. Imagine even at such age, with such a busy work schedule, the elderly couple can still find time to spend with each other, even at work! Let alone us, always say army shag, sch shag, no time spend with loved ones. It's not about the time u spend with them, but the effort and sincerity u put into it. yep.
Anyway i went for svc at jw church today. That place never fails to amaze me, with the people and the exposure im in. Today i made a new friend with Uncle Steven. He is approx 50+ this year and a logistics driver who been to my camp before! tt's an achievement rite thr! haha no im joking. I was speaking to him and he was telling me about serving in church as a driver that brings the elderly to church weekly for dialect services. And not only that, he used to be attending in the main english service but chose to go to chinese service as he didn't quite understand english. But he found that the chinese service wasn't that beneficial to him as he cant learn much and TRANSFERRED back to attending english svc! Wow! The fervency of this man and passion for God really touched me. He was so urgent about his own walk wif God that he made sure he wants to learn something in church every week. More importantly he is still actively serving in the ministry at such age! It really shames me, when i have been in church for so long and only starting to serve in attributes! As the bible says, God uses the weak to shame the strong. For the weak says he is strong, for God is with him!
The children church kids led the congregation to praise and worship today. They are really good! hah seeing is believing man! Imagine at the age as young as 4-5 u are singing and dancing in front of thousands! More imptly, their big day actually drew 11000 people and 6000 for them made a decision today! Indeed, let not the youths despise their age and the adults disregard the youths!
Just felt that God is speaking to me about this few issues lately. He gave me really a lot of examples.
First if u tink you're too old to serve and play a part, what about uncle steven?
If u tink ure too young to be any help, what about the children church kids?
Indeed, let's not be resigned to our age. Let not the youths despise their age, let not the old feel too tired, too OLD to serve God.
For God's eyes are looking through the land, searching for one who is willing. Will u be willing today? Will u forsake being pragmatic or be obedient to God's voice today?
Svc was about being first will be the last and the last being the first. It speaks abt James and John's mother speaking to Jesus abt giving the sons position. It decipts how we in society are so uptight about grabbing positions and rising up the corporate ladder. This is all the more clear to me since im in a marketing dog eat dog environment. It really challenge me on what is more important today, being pragmatic or stay true and obedient for the kingdom of heaven. hmm...
Indeed we all must proceed to walk closer with God. We cant rely on grace of miracles forever. We cant only rely on what we could see as the sole evidence. We need to progress to seeking and more imptly ACCEPTING the grace of truth. I had about enough on always harping on how gd and bad times were in the past. Im done with basking in past victories. Friends, let's not be satisfied and always seek for GREATER victories! Yes, the past might be glorious and all, but we should never let this hinder our path ahead. Remember Lot's wife? She had a lot of past victories of her own, yet she constantly looked back and ended up tangled with the comfort zone she established, not being able move on. Everyday of our life, we should never be satisfied, cling on to God till we get a renewing of the spirit through His word.
Didn't managed to go to church today. =( Was too shagged after spending the wee hours in the morning vomitting and trying to keep the ringing out of my head. yes, nt gg to club for a very very long time after this.
I realised how much of an influence i am today, especially to the younger ones in the cg like kim, jessica n linus. Ever since my birthday, i took it to heart that i cannot be a stumbling block to them. I cant be like the other big brother that's ok with them drinking, getting tipsy or drunk that they can skip church the next day just because i have done the same. I have been drinking a lot nowadays, cause initially i want to build back the level of tolerence i once had for alcohol. It's part of being in this scope of my job. But now i feel it's really good to be high SO i can have fun, that itself is an addiction. It's WRONG. I made a mistake, it's ok to have fun, but all of us must set our priorities right. Mine will be God, not the alcohol, not that kind of 'fun'.
On a sidenote, i really like what was preached during cg this wk. The first thing that occur to me was the storm is not of the Lord, the earthquake was not of God, but the gentle wind was God's. I used to think that God must move MIGHTILY, and not the gentle still voice of the Holy Spirit. Thus im always confused of the voices in my head. I spend a lot of time trying to figure out whether God's speaking to me, or I'm doing all the talking myself. Indeed, He comes like a gentle soothing wind. Sometimes, we need to take time to pull ourselves back over the hectic lifestyle we're leading and go back to that first place, that first thing we did when we first received Him, and known Him, that when we feel the wind, we will not miss it, and know it's His doing.
The other issue would be how to deal with temptations. Only when something is truly dead, full resurrection can take place. I cant put only a certain percentage of myself in controlling myself, of dealing with the temptation. I got to give in my all to break and overcome the temptation, that's when the FULL RESURRECTION can take place.
Once we truly break free, then we will be able to MOVE ON. Even when the past temptation may come forth to tempt you again, but you will not falter, you will not waiver, for it no longer have it's grips on you.
God allows us to be tempted, cause He wants us to deal with it. He knows, we cant just continue to carry this sin in our lives. We need to kill the flesh, to experience FULL resurrection of the Spirit.
This will be the wrestle, and im not letting go. The next time i blog, i hope it won't be me still trying to conquer this tiny problem. Cause im moving on to take on bigger giants!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Well for my 21st. This are the few short term ones that i have in mind now.
1. get my ps3. 2. revamp my room - i really want to paint it purple 3. lose the weight accumulated for the mth.
Things to do this wk. 1. Go to SIM open house 2. Go to MIS n check out the courses. 3. Go to joce's party if thr's one!!! haha!
and lastly, blogspot has been giving me sum issues. it's just not tt convenient anymore. probably have an affair wif Tumblr soon? guess we'll see!
Before i start, thanks for your giving and making the effort to make/get a card for me!
I LOVE THIS! thanks to venis for the logo and RAYMOND for the art on this piece!
The CARDS!!! Thanks to jh for putting the effort to wake up early to do the card! yes the sexy curve! N Jas Tan's one is just hilarious! Ok i want to be lean, but not that beefy. haha! yes if i can see it I WILL HAVE IT!!!
This is actually the real surprise of the party. They told me they didn't have time to bring the present and den tried to make me drunk. So while i was shagged out in my dad's car. Papa told me that the army ppl left sth real big in my car. This is really something!
Hah! Motivational book from jas to read, the bible from the cg after they really decided that my bible is too worn out and a memo pad to take notes from jess n linus. thanks!!!
This is actually the first time i received facial cleansing regime set and a shaving regime set. hahaha! ok i will try some day, but i really have no idea how to use the shaving one!
The scrapbook im sure everyone wants to see. hahaha! Too bad my mum keeps it wif my presents =P
And many thanks to the people who bought me this! im was really surprised actually. i initially thought this was teresa's gift. haha!
And lastly i want to thank those who gave me their well wishes, in forms of ang baos and vouchers. As some of you all might have known, jed is very very picky when buying stuff, oh ya and the clothes too(sry the pics arent up for that cos im washing it soon) so all this came in handy too! Real practical! thanks!
All in all, u guys made jed feel like a real Mr Happy!!! =D(thanks emi!)
Ok i attended 4 birthdays in 2 wks. This is crazy! haha so i will post it up one by one.
Happy 21st to Zi Xuan!
21st for ME
Happy 18th Birthday for SISTER
Happy 20th Birthday to Teresa!!!
Well, for my birthday. Apparently i have lost some memory due to the alcohol. Like i did not recall jc standing in front of me while i paid the bill, the grp circle... BUT I RMB I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING LIKE BIG EARLOBES N LONG HAIR GAL. haha! I do recall making a long speech, and isabel realised i kip saying "it's not easy.." well, on the account it's really not easy trying to make a speech when you downed a few cups of mixed alcohol already! haha! But yea,
Everything is possible with God, amen?!
Anyway really would like to take this opportunity to thank those who visit my blog and attended my party. You people have been a great bunch of friends anyone could have in my life. It's really lovely to see you all still so cheery after all this time! let's jiayou together!
Ok it isn't tt bad! Ty God I didn't got drunk. N ty God for parents! Saved me from the after party. Haha I'm rly touched by wat everybody done, the lil things n the big surprises! Ty for loving me so much! I will catch u all ltr alrite! On my way to church now. =)
On a side note. I finally met up wif jas for a meal ever since her bdae. Had a good chat with her, and of cos, both of us were prepared to get straight into that conversation that's kept silent for 2 years. So with some dessert and a pint of beer for me. We were good to go!
After hearing everything, i feel it was a closure of that chapter. It has been over my mind over and over again ever since that day. At least now, i felt i finally let go of that issue.
Many times in my life, i told myself i got to let go and let God. And honestly, i felt that i did so. But then why am i reminded of it so many times. It's like deep down, perhaps there was a part of me that i kept holding on.
Indeed, maybe it's time i got to let go, not only the sad issues, but the happy ones together too. Looking back, will be like Lot's wife, on that comfort zone that im have given up resisting in. Maybe, that was what hold me back time and time, to hold back about relationships. To get out on that pity zone that i have for myself, and build myself a shelter to enter in. To deal issues with God.
Im not sure whether after that day did the other 2 of us move on. But, i guess it was all meant to be. God must have known about it, and it was an opportunity to test our characters, and our faith.
yes, we were upset, but we didn't have time to mourn. Others maybe, but not us. We had to keep it together for the younger ones. We had to be strong for them. Im glad u 2 hold it together all the way.
That incident made the best and the worse out of me. It made me understood who i should rely on, and my dependence should be on God, not her. It cause us to rise up to the occasion, and mould the character in us. It bonded the cg, to make sure everybody will be alright, that their priorities be set right. We saw the vision together, to stick close to one another. like coals keeping each other on fire. Once we reach optimum temperature, we were then made to scatter. To start burning up other coals. The greatest blessing, is to serve and not be served.
It made the worse out of me too. I started doing things i never once imagine to be doing during that period. In the process, i closed up to new friendships. Simply said, i lost the ability to connect to others on a deeper level. Even till now, im constantly trying to regain all that i lost, only to realise it's tougher den when i started.
After that i made a prayer to God like the many times before. I lift them all up, and let you take hold of the reins.
You know, when you are desperate for something in God, He will just give it to you?
It worked for me too, on a good Sun morning. =) other than waking up at 820 and tithe to the taxi company once again. Anyway i had a gd bible study today and it was about where your foundation should be build on! Indeed, it should be on a solid rock called Jesus, and not on your friends, your leaders, or even your pastors. People can let you down, even in times we are unfaithful. He is always faithful. that, u can test.
After that was service. Pastor Tan shared an insightful phrase today.
"Those who are last will be first in the Kingdom of God. Those who are first will be last."
And it all depends on your,
1. Faith
2. Spirit of Repentence
3. Bearing of Fruit
I think for me, i started out being last, building relationships just because i didn't had any then, and i slowly move my way up. Some how i lost my way some where, and the younger ones rose up to take the place, and i became last again. But i will catch up. Be ready for it then alrite!
And the best was the announcement of the Men's ministry! Yea i do feel there's certain struggles that can only be shared among brothers, like army and all. It's a few good steps in a day!
See, God doesn't shortchange you. When He gives, He makes sure you get it!!!
Lastly, i feel that's a need to address one last issue. Perhaps my words have somehow created an misunderstanding between us. Perhaps it was the words of others that got both of us on the guard. I didn't meant to distant myself, i just want to focus on God and let no temptation take hold of me. I do cherish the relationship that we have, and i missed that feeling of having you around as a friend. Drop me a sms if u think it's you alrite? maybe im just thinking too much. =)
Saturday, September 05, 2009
meeting up wif jas was just like discipleship again.
it was challenging, but it was a good closure. well, at least for me.
I will love to pen down my thoughts. but probably tomorrow yea? i need to wake up real early tml.
And i dun intend to tithe to the taxi companies. =P
Find peace in God, not from the things of the world. u got to chew on that jed.
agnes b just sent me a mail lately. haha 500 bucks to become a member now! who wants to join forces?!?! lol, im kiddin, thr's nth much to get there lately. This wk has been mind-draining, preparing for the aussie trip by packing and a sudden outfield today. but i booked out on thurs, so i gotta quit complaining!
Hopefully i'll let to swim tml! Den collect my passport and cg here i go! And isabel, let's try to squeeze in sth tml for glen yea? enjoy ppl!
finally finished most of the confirmations for the invitation. No matter what. PLS do RVSP to me via sms! haha now i noe i shldn't do up the fb event invitation so early. Some people still ask me for the date and time after accepting the invitation after so long. Anyway the post on the info of my bdae will be posted below this post of mine. Do take note and i haf to emphasise.
Anyway, i woke up on the couch again today. wad a waste of sleep!!! After that was a trip to make my passport and a spicy nasi padang at Arab Street!
Yst service was rly awesome, and honestly. There was no electrifying feeling, there was nothing at all that i felt. But i know, and felt in the spirit. My faith was rising, i need to be set free!
The faith to break free from my chains, and set apart for God.
(Disclaimer: Guests are only invited through sms/fb invitation, not blog.)
Location (How to get there)
It's quite close to clementi and town area actually. So all those happy people wif lots of money can actually cab down from clementi or town also. or figure a way to get to holland v. it's quite near there as well.
haha i know this is retarded but lately i like to put my ipod on shuffle, cos i leeched like 2700++ songs from my friends around a yr plus back, and im embarrassed to say i haven listen to all of it yet. but it's nice to discover some nice songs.. yes in ur own ipod once in a while. haha!
'Wonderwall' covered by Ryan Adams
a more bitter rendition. but im rly hooked to it lately. soooooo bitter!
wah im getting fatter by the day, no exercise wif lots of french fries is killer man! so much things to do lately working out feels like a chore. hahaha, got to cherish this remaining 10 mths(ORD LO) to really break through!
I read it maven's blog that it's always 30% workout, 70% diet. Got to plan ahead man, i dun wanna go back to gd ol days of sz36 jeans. hahahaha!
1. No more fast food! 2. No more bubble tea! 3. No more toasted bread! 4. No more soft drinks! 5. WORKOUT MORE!!!
taa dah. my 5 stones. hahahaha! rambling nonsense.
Anyway tomorrow im going outfield for 4d3n for an exercise. I tink i give up already, i used to tink exercise can lose weight bt it's difficult when u slp in the vehicle most of the time and rest of the time ure eating tuna bread. hahaha! Anyway this exercise also marks the end of the tormenting augest im having wif so many wkend burns. Cant believe i only attended one service this mth due to the wkend burns. It's difficult. but i too will be smoothing my stones.
Goliath, im taking u down!
Friday, August 21, 2009
i believe today will be a good sat. and i will not waste it!
driving lesson. hang wif the guys. make it work!
You're more than enough for me.
i will bear, i will flee, i will keep myself in the midst of charcoal. =)
Did a few changes to the blog. removed twitter n tagboard since it's quite dead for awhile.
Going on to the last month of augest. After this, it will all be a build up to wallaby. Finally a slower pace. i cant wait to get this over with!
sometimes taking a step back, is not so bad anymore. why should i bother rite?
the next time i wake up i will be getting rdy back to camp. nvm, i shan't complain too much. Im booking out soon anyway.
last night i had a hard time falling aslp. Perhaps it was too early, but issues are running thru my mind. nah, it's no longer abt the bdae. i settled everything as i told myself. I then realised, im feeling insecure about the things around me. I started to question myself whether i was wad i am now in the past. I then noticed the change in me. I had become more unwilling to trust, more skeptical abt the friendships that i have. Past few incidents definitely created a change in me. I have forgiven all of them, but time to time it will just keep coming back to me.
it's hard to forget. really. but at least im moving on.
I was reading thru my previous posts when i said abt building a broken rls takes time and effort. Rebuilding this trust takes time n effort too. Does it make me wiser? im not too sure, but im not as keen as before. Sometimes, it's gd to have someone watching over you. But you will feel quite taxed when u always have to try to explain, and the answers u get are always the nonchalent ones.
it's built in the character, that i cannot change.
God, i wished u step in some time. maybe i shld let him step in some time.
got to guard the heart. i hate to run on the threadmill.
Nothing's great. cos camp is really far. and i already spent 50 before this wk could start.
dumb dumb dumb dumb.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
i forgive, and i apologise.
Friday, August 14, 2009
one day. i guess we will all understand.
2nd wkend burn for this month. see. before u knew it, it will be end of aug already! I know i got to make sacrifices, yes. i screwed up, didn't plan ahead. but there are definitely moments in life u got to make a choice. And, i chose family. Honour your parents. I know there's no point explaining. really. That statement was piercing, but woke me up too. But if i were to choose again, it will still be family. it will never. be u. or the friends. God i know i screwed up too. I apologise, wished i could have figured it out earlier.
yea. one day. i guess we will all understand.
Monday, August 10, 2009
it's alright. your actions now determines your future. It's not like. well. you know it yourself. Besides, you got to answer for your action now. You said it first!
who says i dun know people. i studied psychology in school afterall. =D
Focus and be determined in your actions, away are the distractions of the flesh, away are the temptation of the devil. Instead of conforming, make a decision to be part of the RESISTANCE today. You are no4!
Trinity & me.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
i think after today. things just dawned onto me. i am so dissatisfied with where i am now. i hate to be stuck in nowhere. I know im in army, im restricted on the things i could do. But i believe in taking up a challenge. But all in all, i want a closer rls wif you Lord. right from the start, till now. I know how real You are. Since when i was a kid in pri sch, till now, u have shown me favours thru n thru. But i know im not faithful at times. I dun want our rls to be so insignificant, tt i always think to myself God is probably going to make me cry again some time, running back like a child.
I dun want to be a child anymore. It's time i grow up, and WALK INTO His calling. Thrown away my immaturity, my indulgences and my desires.
What's the point of having so much fun, when at the end it amounts to nothing? I want to store my riches in the spiritual realm, not in this temporary store.
the devil has come to kill, steal and destroy. yet, i know that he is able to tempt me, but im also given a choice to resist. Strengthen my will, to be able to break free.
i know there are sacrifices to be made. But knowing and doing is 2 different thing. I cant have maturity without responsibilities.
so give it to me. give me the spirit and motivation to do the necessary.
I love to run to you. i really do. but i dun want to be a wayward son forever. i dun wanna weep, saying how worthless i am yet u still wanted me. Train me up to be a warrior today.
I always hear abt how the pioneers sacrifice so much that we haf such a magnificant place to worship God today. In the past, i wouldn't have given it much of a hoot. But today, i really felt like not only im home. Im home wif family today. Today i witness how the pioneers, who had nth in their hands but so full of the spirit managed to accomplish great things that no one could have imagined. I witness how the whole church come together to pray for the little daughter of one of the members who is stricken with cancer. I seen how generations unfold before me.
I realised. God is the same to everyone.
What they went through, i am going through now. I went through a struggle to care when at times we felt at a loss with the situation. We had nothing at the start too, but look at us now. How many of us are going from glory to glory. Some rise up to become big brother/sister of their cg. Some even went to SOT. In our little ways, we're impacting lives, a step at a time. Some of us prayed for the sick, those times when we were told he's not going to make it through tonight. Still this little faith we have, we prayed for healing. We prayed and we prayed, for God to come into this picture.
As the Indonesian pastor mention.
"I have little faith. I do what i can. God will help me do the rest, He bestow me faith."
the guy who the doctors have already concluded an ending. We open up a new page for him, unfolding a chapter for him. He did made it through the night, and is alive and very much kicking now. That day, we impacted a family. But deep inside, we impacted our own lives. We unveiled how true God is to us, and what our mustard seed faith could do. That day, we SAW, and we BELIEVE.
I seen how generation unfold, and i dare say. Few yrs down the road, we will be the ones as we saw today. Pioneers will grow old one day, they will hand over to us one day. But by that time, we all GOT TO BE READY. We need to BELIEVE, and muster our faith again, to carry on what they set off to do 20 years ago. Will you all be ready and run together then?
Let's get ready for a double anointing like Elisha and Elijah. Dun give up, not yet. After seeing what you could do, you KNOW that you KNOW. your story dun end here.
Im excited for the awesomelicious things waiting to come to pass in the next 20 yrs wif you guys.
1. I bought a bolster from jurong pt to camp. I have no use for it. 2. I bought durian to camp. Finally savour some. 3. Shared wif friends to buy a inductor cooker to camp. Instant noodles doesn't taste any better after this.
had a lil chat wif sy over facebook earlier. Nice to still hear from an old friend once in a while. Starting from aug, im packed to the brim with activities going on till Dec! Man, it's tough, but im going to make it worthwhile. Just quite bothered by the fact i have alot of wkend burns coming up.
I dunno why im blogging this, since im already under an act not to reveal anything.
Today - Did something. burnt my sat. Nxt wk - Duty. burnt my fri/sat. 21km omg. 2 wks ltr - Need to do a bigger scale of today. Burnt wkend again. 3 wks ltr - Exercise coming up.(pls dun burn) 1 mth ltr - Duties time.(burnt) 19th SEPT - heh heh heh(i hope my boss kept his end of the bargain.) 2 1/4 mths ltr - Duties over(yay!) 3 mths ltr - Gd Ol Wallaby!(burnt to crisp) 4 mths ltr - XMAS.
taadah! the most vague schedule i can come out with. Gd to keep short targets, and before i know it it will all be over! For now, i really need more discipline in life. I tried fasting and i got scolded cos i need to eat my meals or pay the price. So i went for veg fast but i got scolded again for taking vegetarian without permission. Been praying alot, but im just stuck with trying to change the atmosphere and get into the presence, while the rest of my mind is running around with problems and distractions of my surroundings(chatty ppl, snoring ppl) I dunno whether it's tough for all army guys, but i know the situation is bound to be the same. That's why i just got to try harder, n push further. In all aspects. If everyone could, i could. Might not be better, but i just got to put in my best.
touch me again Lord today.
7am. i will try.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
i guess it's starting to get boring hearing jed yapping about how busy he is in camp. how many duties he's doing yaadaayaadaa.. Bdae preparation that ppl are anticipating, which im still lost n it's the last mth already. haha! BUT STILL.
jed is going to yaadaayaadaaa.
so u guys have sth to complain about. =D
Anyway nxt wk i will be booking out on sun morning. Hopefully i will make it in time for w506's superbly haven see daylight breakfast and make it for church 20th yrs anniversary svc! too bad cant make it for fop again. oh man.
Lastly, anybody wanna come my hse? no fanciful bdaes, but got ps3 instead! haha! i will keep looking still. dun worry. Dun wanna let LL win just yet. heh heh!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
im on leave alot this few wks.. but alot of wkend burns too!!!! man. only booking out on sun morning nxt wk, tt probably means i will take lots of effort to make it for fop!!! woah. fop, cant believe it's so hush hush tis time round of the year.
hahaha i haf no idea wad im writing out now. too bored and my body is aching too much for a swim. BUT, i will head down to ION ltr! before i get wiped out by the crowd on sat. haha!
i'll wait awhile more, but dun let me wait too long. i will fight for u 7.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
being in jw church always brings back such nostalgic feeling. it's a place where i grew in the Lord. I still rmb the time when we're going to move to expo and i was so happy and telling myself i wun wanna go back there for a very long time. but, it's really the first place that i experienced God. n i never failed to be impacted every time i was there. Now given a choice, i think i would rather go back to jw church for svc. yes, it's really a great distance, but that's why i really cherished the time there other den expo. It's just so much more homely, when i had to focus on was to just know God. As time flies and i became more mature, there's more responsibilites and more commitments, and jw church became my comfort zone. My idea of going to a quiet place where i can seek God and not get distracted. It's a lovely feeling really.
Hey, if you guys haven notice, i haf set up a polling function on the side of my blog so you guys can help me choose a place for my birthday!(i could not make up my mind, and haf absolutely no ideas)
To help faciliate your choice, i haf put up links so u can check it out online. Do help me out!
(haha sry cannot find any decent ones cos the rest haven uploaded it.)
happiest 21st birthday girl! it's been my greatest pleasure to know you as a caring friend and a sister who's always there to give us a smile! im glad that u went so far, even enrolling into SOT. im so proud of you! =) I hope at least we fulfiled one of your girly dreams in life with the little blue box, and i rly like wat you said. That no matter where all of us are, when we come back together as e410, thr's always the feeling of being in a family. It meant that, we accomplished a feat that day. =) Keep on keeping on, ure awesome.
On a sidenote, i didn't get to donate blood today due to me being ill. Quite disappointed actually since i woke up early to do so. Anyway, i wanna thank God that nobody got hurt in the minor accident today. From the way i see it, it's rly God's protection to escape unscathed from such an incident. BUT DO DRIVE SAFELY PEOPLE!!! i gave u guys a little piece of me, dun try to take it away so EARLY! i nv thot tt i shld pray for journey mercy for a dinner like this, but i will from now on. Anyway im gg to have an early nite, tml is xy bdae! n im not gg to take a cab!!! gd nite.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
it's raining. i haven notice my surroundings much lately. so much work. so much things running through my mind. if it wasn't for these 2 days leave. i'll probably still be running all around. Living my life to the fullest.
yet i know all so well. fullest is just not wat i can do every wkend. yet it's wat i cant afford to lose out on.
So today. im thankful, to be alone for a day. to think through things. To go on a jog alone. to run things out of my mind. To be clearer on who I am. These few days will set me on path again. Set me running again. No longer will i be distracted by the things im doing. No longer will i spend my time to indulge in things im not ready yet. I want to stay focus, so redirect my steps today Lord.
One of my constant recurring issues has just got to be rls. Some of u might know wad happened to me in the past and i really felt that this keeps me stumped. Really. I haven been in sync with everybody lately, i just felt i lost the connections i once have. I know jolly well, in order to keep a relationship going, there got to be communications. But lately, im just so bored of waiting for a reply of others. Im bored of smsing, i got to take more effort. to call someone up. i got to learn to trust again. To sow into others' lives. i gotta stop being so nice to ppl. It's sending the wrong messages, and i feel like im being pushed around lately. I took on a whole new perspective in rls. now im just tinking, whether it will be right.
u see. one day. i will find out by myself.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
people pls do drink more water n have more rest! everybody is starting to fall sick, like me! this wk will be a tough 3 days for me, and den i will be on leave! Looking forward to sat. =)
Saturday, July 04, 2009
it's really a tough week with so many things going on. God, i need more strength. more discipline. Thank you for healing me of my injuries. Im such a clumsy person, yet i know through everything, you have protected me from something worse. Thank you for never giving up on me.
the guessing is mutual. one day. we'll see.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
just caught transformers lately. IT'S GOOD WAT. didn't understand why Straits Times gave such a bad review. This time round i actually could see the action instead of scrap metals jumbling around. haha!
Today i tink im ready. Sow me a dream, and i will birth forth your vision. =)
i will make it right for you one day, but not today.
Friday, June 26, 2009
im fine now. it's just recurring issues in different forms.
One day. i will conquer you.
for now. swim till i drop.
im sorry i imposed my value on love on you all. im sorry i haven been attentive enough on you all. I thought i covered all ground, but i have covered none. PLS. dun love me so much that you all chose to keep quiet. cause it hurts so much more to find it out from others.
took time to realise. that i haven been doing enough. haven thought of people enough. i thought i did. apparently it's not.
heh. it's father's day. never thought i will be celebrating it. really. As some of you might know, i dun really share a great relationship wif my dad in the past. I was so young then, i couldn't understand why he's doing the things he did to me. Now to tink about it, tt probably is tough love. As i grew older, i finally understood.
when i was a child. i thought like a child, i acted like one.
now im grown up. it finally dawned upon me.
Papa lost his dad when he was really young. Grandma had to bring up 5 kids on her own. Im sure life was tough then, he probably didn't have much of a childhood fun then. The family struggled to have what they have today. That probably formed up what he is today. Always so thrifty, always doing his best for the family, to provide and care for us. He probably didn't know what love was about, what it was like to be a father, to shower fatherly love. That was why he's always so cold when i was young, why he would demonstrate such harsh acts and threats to make me learn.
He.. was learning to be a father himself.
Pastor Tan msg today reminded my rls wif my dad really. And i finally realised all this, when he said "when i became a father, i was like my own father, and acted like my own father."
Papa was probably just figuring out how to be a father too. Especially when i was so stubborn, so rebellious. Grandpa wasn't around to teach him the ropes. He had to do it thru trial and error.
Now to think about it, i am like what Papa has mould me to be. If it wasn't his scoldings and shouting, i would not have known the basics and made it to poly. If it wasn't his threats and beatings, i would not have learnt how to protect and care for the loved ones around me. If it wasn't his perseverance that never gave up on me however rebellious i was, i will not be the jed that you all know today.
My only childhood memory that i remembered so vividly was when i was in kindergarten, probably 3-5 years old. Papa planned a bdae party for me in my kindergarten. Mummy was feeding me, and i saw Papa carrying a box of icecream, and i told Mummy, "I don't want to eat already. I want icecream NOW."
Thanks Papa, i know i wasn't the son that u planned out to be. I didn't take the route you expected me to take. Yet, you were always so protective of me, and you told mummy you loved me so much, that i could do whatever i want. I hope i didn't disappoint you. And i want to tell you, you did great as my father. I'll probably be like you when i grow up, but definitely better, cause i know what fatherly love is now. Love you Papa.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
lol fell aslp during blogging. cant believe i post it up yesterday though!
i tink i booked in as a chinese n book out as a malay siol. All it took was 3 whole days to get so burnt. nasty, esp with the uneven tans and all. argh, cant wait for it to be over before i can start to make amends. i didn't run much either this week due to the rehearsals going on, quite disappointing really. i need more time and more discipline! These past few days rehearsals have been quite tough recently, alot is expected out of us since we reclaimed the 'best armour unit' after 14 years, alot of practising to perfect the drill for SAF day parade. Haven really got the time to really sit down and relax in bunk. All day is just rehearsals with practising for atec stage 1. just a little more time, a little more discipline. i know i can, i know../ I figured i cant have the best of both world, i need tottt V
hope u like your wallet and had an enjoyable birthday! i hope you had as much fun as i do. hahaha! do keep on keeping on, jiayou!
If you guys didn't know, i have been setting resolutions by the week and day. haha, just trying to set goals daily/weekly/monthly, rmb if u fail to plan, u plan to FAIL! And nothing will be more convincing to put it into written word!
1. Fast for this entire wk.
2. Go for a 30 mins or 4km run daily.
3. Go swimming and jogging after bs wif marc on sat and meet up jas in the evening.
4. start studying for ftt!
5. read the bible more, at least 30 mins a day!
6. pray at least 1/2 hr per day!
7. 15 mins revolution daily!
8. find a location for my bdae.
i can do it! =) and much loves goes to ll n sy. =) jy.
Friday, June 12, 2009
i tink i had the most injuries this wk. hahaha! a bump on my head, bruises on my knees and an injured shoulder. Really crappy to take all of this in one day, was so fustrated but too tired to vent it out when i reach back in camp. Really got to thank God for strength, the nxt day none of them hurt that much, i didn't even notice till i accidentally touched them. Tried very hard to fast for this wk, but just dun have the discipline for it. Got to FAST! oh yea, did i mentioned..
really excited to attend ur birthday ltr! photos up ltr!
It was definitely an awesome birthday for both of them! hope u all like the presents and stay lovely always. =)
ll: i hate swensens.
kpk: ord lo!
Yes. talking about this, i've already finished 1 yr of ns already. Time really flies, now we're all 21 and all. So many changes going on, but it's for the good. I've never regretted it yet. =) Congrats to vtsz transforming into a vtZ now. really overwhelming with new people who i never seen before in church. But it's all good, cant wait for new changes.
Im really busy from this wk on actually.mon wed fri with pt, tues thurs wif saf day rehearsals and atec preparation on the way. I really need to lean on His strength all the more, n i really feel like going on a long fast. Haven't been doing that for a while, and i really need it. heh one day!
Been running around town finding presents lately. Esp for ly! cant wait to attend her 21st nxt wk! =)
honestly, there's so many things i want to do or get now. just couldn't find time for it. I guess im going to write it down first to remind myself!
i no longer want all that. i just want everybody to be happy.
Friday, June 05, 2009
im feeling so cranky today. perhaps it's the long training in the wk for the parade. I thought i nailed it today but there just another big parade coming in a mth's time. Rehearsal starts next wk every tues n thurs, while i will haf to juggle with my upcoming battle course for atec stage 1, and other commitments out there. Feel so stretched! n the egg i ate was so oily earlier on. super disgusted(random i noe) I need more strength and discipline!
but i will make it tml. i noe i will.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
didn't make it. hahaha! nvm better luck next time. =) i tink there's a lot of misunderstanding going around lately, i gotta learn how to be a open book next time. heh! i mean, i thought im quite open already. oh well, everybody gotta learn something everyday. =D
So many birthdays coming up lately, I WILL LOVE TO ATTEND ALL ESPECIALLY YOURS LILENG!!!!!!!!!!!!
heh, so many things going on. God prepare my heart and the challenge im going to take on!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Man, this wk has been awfully taxing! im so stressed out by my tp which is tml! Even though i feel i could, i just need that extra assurance.. RWAR. hopefully i wun freaked out like my mum tml.
Anyway i just want to thank God this week for His protection. There's been a lot of theft cases happening lately, 2 psp n 1 ipod have been stolen from my bunk. We have no idea who it could be, but it's really quite disheartening to know. I mean come on, we only have such a meagre sum a month, why steal our precious valuables. As for me, im the VERY careless and VERY easy target to be pry on. From the fact of some habits i have, just really want to thank God that every morning i can wake up to see my hp/ipod/wallet still intact everyday. oh man.
long wkend this wk. 3 days! Didn't managed to do much though cos i finished everything on the thurs 1/2day book out. haha caught a movie, went shopping and dinner wif friends.
Oh yea, i caught 2 movies this wk, Angels n Demons which i thought was really gd, and Night at the Museum 2 which is alright only.
I wanted to blog abt Angels n Demons actually, but i dun rly want to be a spoiler, so i shld keep mum till after the movie died down! haha! But a few phrase that i find quite meaningful would be
"People are not perfect. They have flaws, even me." - from a catholic priest in the movie. I find myself nodding my head like how i would respond in church during the movie, haha, pretty weird i noe. I would say this movie didn't have much God-bashing session than it was in Da Vinci Code. It showed how Man often go through means, even when it's not God's will, to help God. Got me thinking really. shall reveal more till den. =)
This wk was pretty much being led by the spirit actually. I find myself doing things that i would not have done, but we will see as things unfold i guess. Just got to keep trusting. =)
And many thanks to the ppl around me who's always willing to be my companions esp during the days im out of camp. Very much appreciate it even though i didn't played my part really well.
AND LASTLY. NXT WK IS MY TP. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. PRAY FOR ME! I dun have much confidence in it actually, just got to lean on God's grace! 30th will be the greatest day!
sry didn't update last wk. Blogger was giving me a problem and i couldn't load up any photos. Anyway i brought my family out for a meal at some hokkien restuarant in Amoy Street. A restuarant tt the family likes to frequent. I was.. having jitters i would say, cos i didn't noe how much will tt cost me! haha!
haha i cant believe this got caught on camera! u can see how.. anxious i was about the meal.. "Good food at my brother's expense!"
Some of the famous dishes in the restuarant.
Happy Mother's Day mum!
After going through some issues in these mths, i really felt i learnt what's more important in life. I understood the meaning of "where your treasure is, there your heart will be." In the past, i would haf been more spendthrift due to how i was brought up by my dad. It's a cycle afterall, he learnt it the hard way, thus does not want me to follow his path too. Well, as a stubborn boy in the family, i had to walk that direction and i too, finally hit the wall. After that, i felt that money is not really as important as my dad used to say. I no longer feel a barrier when i give, no longer pressurise to hold on to that amt of cash in my wallet. It's like everytime i wanted to hold, i will feel, u haf given so much, wad's a little more? No longer am i bounded by the limits, no longer bounded by unforgiveness, broke free of my circumstances. Now, im just trusting God to fulfil His promise for me. I took a long wrong route, wad's done cannot be undone, but im just thankful He didn't make me walk all the way back. =)
Lastly, i just wanna say that im so PROUD of lileng. She shared a great life story that no alot people who have been able to. So many of us haf so many skeletons in the closet, but im glad she's willing to open her closet for us, to show us how Jesus cleaned up her mess for her. =)
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Today i saw/heard/touch/felt God.
i couldn't think of any other simpler ways than this. thank you.
it's almost 8pm! oh man, no time to blog a decent post. it's been so so so so BUSY! hardly any time to sit down other den having meals/driving/in church/chilling out. I promise to blog a decent one when im back this wk on thurs for LABOUR DAY ON FRI! heard MEN's confer is on tt day too. how awesome is that!
Lastly, i remembered during cgmeeting when veron shared,
David didn't went up the MOUNTAIN to look for stones, but he went to the stream by the VALLEY to look for stones. And the very stones that he picked, took out Goliath the giant in one shot.
God wont always use only the people at the mountain, but always the people that are going through the valleys, to test them, mould them, and use them mightily for His work. I finally understood. and I will keep holding on to that promise. =)
finally got over with ftx. throughout the entire wk all i could tink about was ice cold beer when im done. SOOOO
*photos are taken under influence of alcohol*
*no influence of alcohol, juz one very busy lady with no time for us*
Botak Jones @ Sommerset
time to work on the last 5!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
i spend my entire sat at home today. i cant believe it.
All i did the entire day is snack, tv n dota.
POLY DAYS LIFE IS BACK. but definitely not here to stay. =)
I need to be more discipline, nid to control my diet!
aiya heck wif it. full troop exercise for the entire nxt wk to turning operational! n eio is heading to army on the same day! guess, we're all embarking on a new journey!
im blogging cos im really bored now. any1 care to entertain me? =)
Thursday, April 09, 2009
I came across this verse on a school building during my trip to medical appt this wk.
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge
i remembered when i first read this verse, i did not understand it at all. 5 yrs ago, when i read it, the God i know is not loving at all. He's always this BIG furious God that wants everybody to fear Him. The BIG BULLY! Throughout this 5 yrs, i grew up and became more mature. I realised, that the fear, is not wat i thought it was 5 yrs back. This fear, is not fearing wat God will do to u if u did something wrong, but fearing how much it will hurt Him if u did something wrong. Fear of making him disappointed. It's to honour Him in reverence. After this 5 yrs, He's still BIG as usual, but not that furious after all. He accepted me for who I am, loved me when no one else would. He wants me to fear Him. not in a 'I-WILL-ZAP-YOU-IF-YOU-DO-SOMETHING-WRONG' but to take Him into consideration with every step and action i make.
This coming Easter will mark my 5th year in Church. Time flies. I have grown so much, yet it just seems like im running on a threadmill. Clocking the distance, but end of the day, still at the start. I mentioned to my platoon mate, a Catholic today. It's hard to balance between army and God sometimes. In fact, there shouldn't be a balance from the start, it should be God in you, in everywhere you're in. God in Army. Sad to say, im not quite up to it yet. I still make mistakes, still having doubts from time to time, is it God speaking to me? or me speaking to myself? I still find myself struggling on my own problems, unable to lean on God. I never had, cause i haf never understood it. Sometimes i tink i got it, other times i feel im no where there. Sometimes, i feel i haf just lost it the day i gave up. To build a broken relationship takes time, lots of trust and effort.
Sometimes, i really want to be right back 5 yrs ago. when, everything is just so simple, where being in the presence is just so in reach. Now, apparently my growth in knowledge has driftened me apart from this presence. I need to lift up this veil once again. Cos the bible hasn't say my growth in knowledge will make me fear the Lord. That will probably be my thinking 5 yrs back. but now understanding 'fear of the Lord', i tink i got everything topsy turvy.
I need to fear God, den it will be the beginning of all my knowledge, all the answers that i am seeking for, for myself, for others.
the 6 wks revolution, will be mending my mistakes, breaking the habits, and turning this verse to work correctly for myself.
Today is Good Friday. Today is the day i must learn to take a step.
Blog seems rather dead lately. haven got much time to update either, so sry. but since u guys see me so much weekly it wouldn't matter either rite? heh. it's 745pm now, n i have 15 mins to write a post before i go back to camp.
Been really slack lately, but it's still a build up to the full troop exercise rite after Easter, n eio is finally stepping in to the 2 yrs of being 'vegetarian' also on the same day! Definitely going to be fun for him, n i hope to get out of it soon. hahaha!
Watched the shinjuku incident and detroit metal city lately. DMC was hilarious, to see a metalhead having such a wussy nature. hahaha super funny! as for shinjuku, well it's quite boring, n i started to notice a pattern whr every chinese movie i watched(forced to), thr's always chopped up arms flying around. First it was protege, now this?! man.. DMC ROCKS! hahaha!
Feeling really crappy lately, due to some personal problems in and out of army. Really sian to even tink abt it at times, thus im gg to start on the 6wks revolution! As pastor said, 3 wks to break a habit, 3 wks to grow a habit. This 6 wks, im gg to push for something out of the natural. 6 wks later, i will be REVOLUTIONIZE!!!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
this is wad your childish ridiculous acts of rejection done to people. i hope you're happy.
This week isn't so bad afterall. i mean, i get to book out so many days this wk, the sunday guard duty dun really matter anymore. =)
Fri i went for Men's Confer. It was really good, guys actually get to be like just boys roughing it out together, it was quite a sight, that thank God the ladies wun there to witness it. Let's awaken the mighty one within!
Now im getting rdy to go to NTUC to stock up stuff for the week in camp and guard duty tml. hahaha catch u all next wk!
! booking in real soon. wun be available for the next.... 2 wks? the nxt time you guys see me will probably be april already. So meanwhile sit tight n enjoy wad March has to offer still!
This is a quote that i kop from weiting's blog cos i tink it's real content worthy. well here goes nothing
For what it's worth: it's never too late ... to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same;there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again."
*quotes from Benjamin's postcards to his daughter in movie Curious Case of Benjamin Button"