This shoot was taken by Heidi Slimane best known for his works at Dior Homme that took an active role in photography for his own blog. One of the subjects for his shoot is Kate Moss(as shown by this pic), a super model who posed topless for this shoot.
This brings me to a point. What is OBSCENE to you?
I suddenly have this thought recently when people started to comment that my previous wallpaper on my phone is obscene and should not be shown in public.

This is my previous wallpaper. From an art gallery, "Insa buy my love"
As you can see from this picture, it's purely a piece painted on the wall. Yet in the eyes of some, it's portrayed as obscene and not safe for public viewing.
Well, what is art then? The effort of artists trying to capture God's creations in it's most basic and raw form, often results in drawing of Man in their most raw form of beauty. Is that art? or pure obscene pornography?
I personally like what Heidi Slimane did for his shoot on Kate Moss. It has a nice touch to it, there wasn't anything to complicated in the shots that he took. No fanciful clothes, hairdo or blatantly trying to show off his shots or art in tt matter. He just took simple shots of what i will like to define as raw beauty. Nothing too complicated to comprehend, no blatant show off. Just beauty at it's best. This shots are not shots that will make you grow all horny and lustful. It's just very simple admiration of beauty. That's all.
ok. now i sound like a porn director. kudos
I hope im not sounding like im high and mighty and i know art like pastors knows the bible(i got c6 for art in sec sch). I'm juz saying what's in my mind, and how i feel when i see this. Afterall, it's very much again,
Different people have different limits or ideas on what things in the world are, nudity? art? vulgur? raw? Many at times, it's the world that set the limits for us, and we ourselves follow it. Remember in the bible, Adam and Eve were naked from the start, God made them this way. It was only when they ate the fruit that they felt ashamed of themselves and hit themselves with leaves. So whose ways are right?
A conversation that i had wif Megan awhile back definitely proves my earlier point.
We were discussing on the word 'fuck'. Many of us know it as a vulgurity, but why is it a vulgurity? Can anyone explain? Is it because it's used for a term in sex? it is because it's a term that someone used it when they're really angry and want to get sth across? or is it because the world deem it as a hush hush 'vulgurity' that we have to follow to conform to the world so called 'moral' values? My stand in that conversation is definitely a vulgurity, and people who knows me wun see it use vulgurities in a quarrel. Cos it's crude and low, which i wun stoop to their level. They know that i use vulgurities as a joke, never too serious. Cos it isn't something wonderful to sprout out of your mouth in the first place. For Meg's stand, it's sth tt she used when she's really angry, cos she couldn't find a better word that gets the point across straight. Both of us have our point nevertheless. And yes both of us are christians which meant we couldn't say that in the first place. But have you all wondered why was it term as vulgurities in the first place? Cos it's bad and all? What if u say shit! in the future do u tink it will be term as vulgurity too? Remember, at times, it might very be what the world defines and what you decide to follow.
So my test was to keep portraying the shots that Heidi did on my MSN display picture and see how many will actually noticed and commented that it's art or indecent pornography. Sad to say, all the comments i have now is still, "why u post naked pics!" instead of other point of views which i yet to receive. I was just trying to find out, how many people will think of it at a different perception that it's art instead of pornography. Besides, the pics were very tastefully done in my opinion, so it's very simple for people to make up their mind. I did not mention anything that it was a photoshoot by a famous designer and all, so as not to change the original perception of the people either. It was very basic to them, on how they define nudity.
At the very end of the day, it's still how we think and perceive of things that makes us different. Im not saying that anyone has a wrong thinking cos it's just personal perception. I like the idea that everybody is different, cos i dun want so many jeds running around thinking the same or vice versa. I believe you guys dun want it too. I also dun like the idea of people going around telling others how they go against the flow of being 'normal' or blatantly showing off that they do not conform to society. I feel this lot of people are really insecure in the sense, by posting up links of how different they think they are from others, and EMPHASIZING that they do not want to be the same from others, or "HEY I TINK DIFFERENTLY FROM YOU GUYS." in their conversation or writings. I think the best way for people to feel that you're different, in through your daily life, the character that you exudes, not the countless articles or writings that you keep EMPHASIZING that you're DIFFERENT.
wait a min, am i doing the same?
1 comment:
i def agree with the fact that nudity can be viewed in an artistic way. its really sad when small minded people express their ideas of morality and expect everyone to follow in a straight line behind them. we are all individuals. we all choose to express creativity and our thoughts and feelings in different ways.
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