Sunday, April 27, 2008
Timbre Night back to back!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Rich Dad Poor Dad
1. I haf a place to refer back and look through whenever i need it.
2. Everybody who are willing to learn will hopefully get something out of it at the end of the day.
Simple as that. I hopefully think everybody can get something out of it at the end of the day. If you dun, no worries, it's just a lifestyle. I wun be sharing much into detail of the book, u can get the book yourself. I'll just be sharing some gist that i realised after reading.
Ok to start off, how many of you have actually given thought about your own future? What are you going to be? I have bizmen, bankers, investors, teachers, etc. among my midst. Yet, i do know some of them are clueless about their future. To them, now is just going for uni to get a degree. But anyone knows what comes after that? This is everybody's STEP 1. Proceed reading once u are clear of this question. =)
Remember when we're younger, or even right till now. Our parents only told us a goal in life,
"Study hard and hopefully you get a gd stable and secure job after u get a degree."
Once they see their kids hit this stage. They felt that the kids are secured for life. However, in this new era. Do you still think this mentality will still work?
No doubt about it. In their generation of baby boomers(kids after the WW2), their mentality forged by their parents at tt time was to study hard, and wif a gd academic qualifications, you will get a secure job to SUPPORT your family. Note their differences between the context then and now. In their generation, they want to support their family. Nothing more den tt. But can you safely say the same now? Come to think abt it, i bet many of you guys have heard about throwing a stone at anyone in the streets and ure very likely to hit a graduate that holds a degree. I mean, there are TONS of fresh graduates now, but how many of them actually have a job? Or a job that they like and enjoyed doing? Do take note that, even if u get a degree at the end of the day. You're just one of the MANY fishes in the ocean, prepared but INEXPERIENCED to fend for yourselves. So, do you still think the past ideology of study hard ensure a gd SECURE job for yourself?
One more issue i will like to address is this. What is ur goal in life? Is it just to SUPPORT your family needs? or live life comfortably and PROVIDE your family wants? It's very different if you give it some thought. Support is to gif sufficiently for their needs only. Providing family wants is giving abundently to what they desire(Europe tour, studying sth tt they like and not conform by society needs)
Someone once said this, "Money cant buy you happiness. But without money, there wun be happiness to speak of in the first place." I noe u drama mamas will go nooooooooo, love conquers all. But let's be realistic, can love buy u food to eat when ure starving? will u be happy when ure starving? Just give it some thought before you reply me, honestly.
Back to topic. Let's say, today you finally got a job with an income of 2.5k. to many. it's like WAH WAH WAH. 2.5k! But let's get back to reality. How much money do you really have end of the day?
Income - 2.5k - (I assume you dun take money from your parents anymore)
CPF deduction?(ppl say the money is still yours. pls. u tink u can get it back when u retired? u tink u can make it to the ever increasing retiree age? u tink it's enuff to cope till u die when u retire?)
Expenses - Varies according to your age and status. hp bills? food? entertainment(drinking/pubbing/clubbing/chalet) transport?(taxi, bus mrt) (If you're married, house installment, car installment, kids' needs etc.)
Parents - Even if you parents dun ask you for it, you got to give them some money for their daily livelihood(food, electrical bills, blah blah blah) Especially if they have retired, you will have more financial burden from them.
Other expenses - Varies on person. (medical bills blah blah blah)
End of the day - How much do you have? What are you going to do with the puny amount? to save? (dun even talk about invest)
Please do note that 2.5k is quite a huge amount that we think we can achieve for a fresh grad. So, after this, let's give it some thought. Do you think that the 2.5k you're holding now sufficient to provide your family needs? Can we even think about providing for your family WANTS from the remaining sum?
You know at times, we wonder, why are we learning stuff in school that we will never even use it in our friggin life after we graduate? (algebra, sciences) Common thinking will state that cos we wanna get gd grades and hopefully get a secure job for life. but is it always this matter now in this big ocean full of fishes that has similar or better qualifications den u? If you tink having the highest qualifications can get u a pretty gd job, have u wonder how old will u be then? How much time do u haf left before u make it in life? What the children needs nowadays, is not about sciences and algebras. It's skills to cope in this saturated environment. Financial literate, how to manage your finance. They need new ideas to help them compete with the society. New knowledge to give them an edge in the workplace. Not how the cells are make up and x+y=z.
In the book, there's 2 tracks in life that i will like to relate to. One track is called the 'rat race' This track is what your parents went through. i'll just provide a gist here.
Study hard. get a stable secure job. earn some money. the money is good. able to live life comfortably. able to provide all your needs and some wants. however you slog all day, finding no time to enjoy life. u tink u can enjoy life once u earned enough, cos ure saving up.
After that, u finally met sum1 u love. u decided to get married. it's really awesome. 2 incomes together is a bliss. You guys start to think about the future and started buying car, an apartment and have kids. Life's really good, though ur income is barely able to cover the installments for the car and apartment.
Your kids starts to grow up. You find ur burden increasing, with a NEED to prepare saving for their education to come, their expenses in the future(pocket money), the apartment and car is starting to take it's toll on you. Cos u used to haf enough for your apartment and car, now is so much more. SUDDENLY, ur parents retired! You find urself wif a new financial burden, to provide their daily livelihood needs as their pension(CPF) seems unable to provide sufficiently enough. With age comes illness. Medical bills are piling up, electrical bills, many many bills.
You will find yourself slogging just to make ends meet. Working harder, so as to climb to promotions to meet the increasing needs by day. U find that, you work to provide needs and u can no longer afford wants like u used too. You realised that hey! im so old alr. why am i still working? i shld be enjoying life like wat i planned out when im younger! Your savings never seems to increase, not like it used to. N you think to yourself, was the stable job rly worth it? hell i dun even enjoy it! Wad if? den again. It's too late for u to jump out of the track of the rat race. All your life, ure scurrying like a rat, trying to survive and make ends meet. Slogging as hard as u can, and even when u enter the grave. U never seem to enjoy life at all.
For the other track, the Fast Lane. To be Continued. =) it's 4.39am and i want to dota.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
8:18pm - Testing Results

This shoot was taken by Heidi Slimane best known for his works at Dior Homme that took an active role in photography for his own blog. One of the subjects for his shoot is Kate Moss(as shown by this pic), a super model who posed topless for this shoot.
This brings me to a point. What is OBSCENE to you?
I suddenly have this thought recently when people started to comment that my previous wallpaper on my phone is obscene and should not be shown in public.

This is my previous wallpaper. From an art gallery, "Insa buy my love"
As you can see from this picture, it's purely a piece painted on the wall. Yet in the eyes of some, it's portrayed as obscene and not safe for public viewing.
Well, what is art then? The effort of artists trying to capture God's creations in it's most basic and raw form, often results in drawing of Man in their most raw form of beauty. Is that art? or pure obscene pornography?
I personally like what Heidi Slimane did for his shoot on Kate Moss. It has a nice touch to it, there wasn't anything to complicated in the shots that he took. No fanciful clothes, hairdo or blatantly trying to show off his shots or art in tt matter. He just took simple shots of what i will like to define as raw beauty. Nothing too complicated to comprehend, no blatant show off. Just beauty at it's best. This shots are not shots that will make you grow all horny and lustful. It's just very simple admiration of beauty. That's all.
ok. now i sound like a porn director. kudos
I hope im not sounding like im high and mighty and i know art like pastors knows the bible(i got c6 for art in sec sch). I'm juz saying what's in my mind, and how i feel when i see this. Afterall, it's very much again,
Different people have different limits or ideas on what things in the world are, nudity? art? vulgur? raw? Many at times, it's the world that set the limits for us, and we ourselves follow it. Remember in the bible, Adam and Eve were naked from the start, God made them this way. It was only when they ate the fruit that they felt ashamed of themselves and hit themselves with leaves. So whose ways are right?
A conversation that i had wif Megan awhile back definitely proves my earlier point.
We were discussing on the word 'fuck'. Many of us know it as a vulgurity, but why is it a vulgurity? Can anyone explain? Is it because it's used for a term in sex? it is because it's a term that someone used it when they're really angry and want to get sth across? or is it because the world deem it as a hush hush 'vulgurity' that we have to follow to conform to the world so called 'moral' values? My stand in that conversation is definitely a vulgurity, and people who knows me wun see it use vulgurities in a quarrel. Cos it's crude and low, which i wun stoop to their level. They know that i use vulgurities as a joke, never too serious. Cos it isn't something wonderful to sprout out of your mouth in the first place. For Meg's stand, it's sth tt she used when she's really angry, cos she couldn't find a better word that gets the point across straight. Both of us have our point nevertheless. And yes both of us are christians which meant we couldn't say that in the first place. But have you all wondered why was it term as vulgurities in the first place? Cos it's bad and all? What if u say shit! in the future do u tink it will be term as vulgurity too? Remember, at times, it might very be what the world defines and what you decide to follow.
So my test was to keep portraying the shots that Heidi did on my MSN display picture and see how many will actually noticed and commented that it's art or indecent pornography. Sad to say, all the comments i have now is still, "why u post naked pics!" instead of other point of views which i yet to receive. I was just trying to find out, how many people will think of it at a different perception that it's art instead of pornography. Besides, the pics were very tastefully done in my opinion, so it's very simple for people to make up their mind. I did not mention anything that it was a photoshoot by a famous designer and all, so as not to change the original perception of the people either. It was very basic to them, on how they define nudity.
At the very end of the day, it's still how we think and perceive of things that makes us different. Im not saying that anyone has a wrong thinking cos it's just personal perception. I like the idea that everybody is different, cos i dun want so many jeds running around thinking the same or vice versa. I believe you guys dun want it too. I also dun like the idea of people going around telling others how they go against the flow of being 'normal' or blatantly showing off that they do not conform to society. I feel this lot of people are really insecure in the sense, by posting up links of how different they think they are from others, and EMPHASIZING that they do not want to be the same from others, or "HEY I TINK DIFFERENTLY FROM YOU GUYS." in their conversation or writings. I think the best way for people to feel that you're different, in through your daily life, the character that you exudes, not the countless articles or writings that you keep EMPHASIZING that you're DIFFERENT.
wait a min, am i doing the same?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Keep a lookout for the lookbook!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Uncle Ed
I remembered knowing him during one of the debates abt chc in the forum. U noe chc being infamous for the PEOPLE, never the church's teachings. We find ourselves discussing about things on what it should be.
I always like an intelligent outspoken person, cos they make me think, and from there i learn.
So our friendship kinda grew and he slowly become my mentor in many things, in biz and in life. It's always delightful to talk to him, cos it's always a gd lesson learnt at the end. yep ty alot!
So people, do read his blog once in a while, you'll learnt sth out of it. Or at least offered a different perspectives in life.
woots. my 365th post = 1 yr of posting!
Food glorious food!
the satay beehoon was awesome as they put it, so was the hokkien mee. i rly rly liked it, when it's uber dry. LOL. owell. im bored and done. THE END!
i wanna be a successful person. 2k!
Friday, April 18, 2008
the whole world is telling me about it now.
Anyway, Shyan's doing ok i guess. i haven gt time to visit him since i'm helping his brother tend the shop in his absence. Hopefully, if any1 is visiting him tml can let me noe too ya? thanks alot. The doctor said give him more time. It's really a miracle when the doctor say he wun make it, n now.
I'm facing another crisis in my biz lately. In short, it's just about my big cake might be taken away by a bully who wants a share. nope, the ENTIRE cake. i shan't share more though, till im stepping on top of them. yep!~
survival of the fittest. nth more to it.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The impending doom of shackles by our fellow ARMY has finally got his hold on me.
Date: 5th June 2008
Time: 9.30am
School 1
IT'S ALL COOL. really dun panic
on a side-note, this is the first time i saw my msn contacts nick change so drastic in a matter of hours. LOL.
Day 2 in Shop
Time: 5.31pm
Mood: Bored like hell
thank God i have a laptop here. imagine how annoying i can get if i dun haf anything to do. There's supposedly a photoshoot tonight for a new website portal that wants to house our products. I finally got all my models ready and all. And we spend an entire day trying to contact their in charge for the shoot, and they haven been replying or picking up our calls. It's starting to feel like a scam. LOL baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Honestly dunno why there's people that wants to waste our time by doing so many weird stuff. Told us to do a shoot, after we finally got everything ready, they're not responding. an utter waste of our time. That lady still haf 4 hrs to respond to us. After that it's a simple goodbye to them!!!
ok. im rly bored.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
here sth's from Hong to you peeps,
"Anyway... Really thanks... I don't know how to thank you for helping me and praying for my brother. When times (that) im in a bad mood, (and) pick on (minor) things to throw my tantrum at ya, now u didn't even hold that at heart and came and help me without a single question. Really sincerely thank u. also to derrick and dan. Thank you all (everybody who prayed for shyan)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
On a lighter note

random peeps! GUYS
kathie my yr1 potato wif bacon bits fren!
They started smashing the cake at each other!

i suspect she drank before we came. she started it!!!!the debris.
emi hiding/lepak one corner. so she wun be caught in the whole dirty incident!
the end! teehee~
Continue to pray my frens. Let's pray for the miracle to doublefold!
UPDATE: he had a fever today. It's slowly subsiding though. =)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Anyway, thanks for ur prayers so far. He's been in and out of death for quite a few times already. Guess he's really going on strong and not going to go dwn wifout a fight. Keep praying for him, everytime we do that, he pulls himself together. Let go, let God. Pray for his family too for health and strength so they can go thru this difficult time without crumbling. Special thanks to those tt came down today. Our secret corridor ya? You gals have been wonderful, and my fren really wanna thank you all for making ur way down even though he doesn't even noe u. Thanks for standing in agreement in prayer wif me, the care and the concern is very much appreciated.
Today i seen family love at the greatest level. From the hugs, the cuddles, words of encouragement, words of courage, right before my eyes. So i say it to u all, really really PLS appreciate everyone around you.
Anyway people, continue praying with me for him k? these are his last few hours that the doctor said. So after tonight. Everyday will be God's given, a miracle a day. Let's trust in Him and His will. thanks for the support.
i want to be a social entrepreneur.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Come, let us pray together today
So can i plead with you guys to just come together and pray with me tonight and continue to keep his brother, Yie Shyan in prayers. I'll keep his condition updated in the blog, so as to keep you guys posted as well. Let's pray for healing for him, that his lung condition will get better and he will recover asap. I'll also like you guys to keep his family in prayers, as they go through this tough period together. Even though they're not christians/catholics, but i believe that salvation and healing should not only be restricted to us alone, but to everybody. Remember, Jesus is not here for us only, but his blood is shed for everybody, so they can receive healing and salvation. So please, please, please, let's pray that a living testimony can come forth from that family, because of our intercession and God's love for Man. thanks alot.
I'll be heading down to the hospital at 3pm tml to pray for his brother. I believe when 2 of more people come together and pray, there God will be, wif unison agreement comes power. So if you will like to come down with me just drop me a sms. thanks.
On a side note, i did some edits to my post in purple.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
As many of you might have read about in the bible about people 'helping' God, as at times they do not see his ways over our lives. I'll give you a few examples(yes, i gt read bible)
1) Tower of Babel - A tower that the people of Babylon built as high up, hoping to reach the heavens, in other sense, hoping to find God there. Babel used to be a place of unity, where everybody speaks of the same language. Yet this tower was built for a man-made religion, He confused the people by making them speak different language as scattered them among the earth. Thus the building was never complete. (Earlier i wrote God struck down by lightning, it's wrong by the way, thanks for Sean for pointing this out. Wrote this myself, apologise for not researching enough)
2) The Gold Calf - It was during the period whereby Moses has just led the Israelites out of Egypt into the Promised Land. During their period of the wilderness, Moses went up to Mount Sinai to receive what will become of God's 10 commandments. So Moses left the people for 40 days and 40 nights, and the Israelites fear that Moses might not return. Thus pleading with Aaron to make gods that they could worship to. The bible did not state Aaron's opinion for the decision, but Aaron merely compiled the gold together by collecting gold earrings of the Israelites, melted them and constructed a gold calf. He also set up an altar for the calf, so that the people could worship it. God then told Moses that His people has sinned against Him. Furiously, He said He will eliminate all these people and make Moses the father of the new generations. But Moses pleaded they could be spared and the Lord relented. Moses then went down the mountain of Sinai and got furious upon seeing the Gold calf. He threw down the tablets upon which God's law had been written, and broke them. Moses then burnt the golden calf in the fire, ground it to powder, scattered it on water, and forced the Israelites to drink it. He questioned Aaron about the event, who admitted to collecting the gold, throwing it into the fire, and out came a calf. Then Moses gathered the sons of Levi and set them to slaying a large number of adult males (3000). A plague then struck the Israelites. Nevertheless, the Lord stated that he would one day visit the Israelites' sin upon them.
Since Moses had broken the tablets, the Lord instructed him to return to Mount Sinai yet again to receive a replacement.
3) Uzzah the person who 'steadied' the Ark - It was at the period when King David's journey to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to Zion. It was said Uzzah tried to steady the Ark and he was then smitten by God for touching it.
4) Jesus Himself - He performed miracles, cast out demons and healed the sick. Yet the Pharisees whom were said to be priests did not acknowledge that it was God's doings and got the Roman Soldiers to capture Jesus and crucified Him. On the road to Calvary, there were so many people that mocked at Jesus, taunting him time to time to save Himself if He was the Son of God. Yet, unknowingly, there are some of them who actually witnessed the miracles that He performed, they saw how He cast out demons and healed the sick. It was like experiencing God's power so close to themselves. Yet they were just treated Him as evil and trying to be somebody.
All that aside, in my opinion. I dun really blame all the people in the bible for doing the things they did. Yes they doubt God. But all of us are made like this. Eyes-See, Ears-Hear, Nose-Smell, Skin-Feel, Mouth-Taste. I think that many will agree with me that at times, we will tend to doubt the God that so loved us. Cos, most of us have not seen/hear/smell/feel/taste Him. Thus like the people in the bible. We decided to 'help' God reveal Himself to us through idols and all, thinking that we're still seeking God, even when He said it's not right for idols worship. At the end of the day, we actually end up with nothing at all.
Let's step on another note. As many of the christians here might know, God's ways are simple and easy that we can comprehend of. What's difficult to understand here?
Love God Wholeheartedly & His people Fervently.
Love Your Neighbours As You Will Love Yourself.
Sow and You Shall Reap.
Yet, many at times. It's the people that complicates things.
Have you wondered, that in ALL RELIGIONS. the God MIGHT be the SAME one that we believed in? buddhist, taoist, christians, catholics, muslims, blah blah blah. (no offence and pun intended)
it's just people that complicates things. Thinking that God should be like this or like that. It's very much based on culture of that country at their particular era.
For eg. in Taoism - The Jade Emperor dressings looks like an emperor dressed in their era of dynasty. (Once again, i apologise if i offended anyone, it's my own opinion and thinking. It might not be right. Apologise for not researching enough)
Another opinion that i failed to state out is that different cultures there's different ways of worshipping God also. I remember my teacher telling me once in other countries(Africa i tink), tribes that are christians. They have their ways of worshipping God too, eg offering incense. It's very much based on their culture and life in that area.
It's my opinion and thinking by the way. so dun come crashing dwn on me ya? It's just my point that God's way to people are very simple, it's the people that complicates things. They just added in their ideas what God should be like, thus creating many idols or religions in this sense. Remember after the towel of Babel was destroyed, the once united people are scattered all around the world and they spoke in different language. When people do not understand one another, they come out an 'understanding' of their own. A good example will be the 2nd inference that i mentioned about Israelites and the gold calf. For 40 days and nights when Moses is gone, the people got confused and started coming out with what they think God might be!Another point you can consider from. As the Israelites were brought out from Egypt. There's bound to be Egyptian gods that they used to pray to. One of it is actually the Egyptian god Apis which is shaped like a cow. Some might say that the Israelites are falling back to their old ways of worshipping other gods when they used to reside in Egypt which is Apis. But do remember, if you have not seen God before. How would you know how He looks like? why a calf? perhaps in Egypt, they TOO, think of what God will look like. Some said they made a calf to worship as Moses is not around, which brings me to a point. Are they worshipping God or Man?
Den again. in the 10 Commandments, God Himself states that you shall not worship other gods before Me. So in the sense, are there other gods? or are they other spiritual forms? Or did God Himself make His word simple to comprehend to the people of Israelites? Cos if the gods that they were worshipping to were just other spiritual form beings, the people might not think of it as other forms but gods instead. Perhaps God makes things clear in their sight on spiritual form beings as their so called 'gods'?
Not that christianity does not have it's own doubts. Remember this religion was branched out from Catholicism. So, in the sense. WE are actually branched out of what seems to be right for many years back by Martin Luther who held this belief. There's nothing wrong with Catholicism, dun make ur stand so fast. Afterall, they believed the same thing as we do. Just that they honour Virgin Mary and pray to her. But come to think of it, do you not honour such a fine lady that gave birth to Christ Himself? She took all the criticism of being an unwed mother. shotgun marriage in today's term. All for God's Son. no?
So who's right and who's wrong? Honestly, everybody has their own stands. But i have mine too. And that's call FAITH. Faith on believing something that the eyes cant see, but of the trust in the heart. Honestly, i read in an email before. It's abt an atheist commenting that God is not real because in science terms of 5 senses, we cannot see/feel/hear/smell/taste Him. So He does not exist. Yet, i cant see/feel/hear/smell/taste my brain too. So do i have a brain? I believe in alot things, Faith really plays a part. To provide us something we can hold on and believe in, yet cant be seen in the nakked eye. Yet God cant be experienced just like that. It's cant be described. People has smelled a sweet aroma while praying. I seen people wheelchair bounded for so long starting to walk after being prayed for. I have seen people being delivered from demons residing in them(not a great sight). People, people, it's not you how would u know? I have my fair experience too. I have trembled being in presence of God, i have fallen under the presence by a force that u cant describe of, that is so minor that even a cup wun topple(jc hur hur). I have prayed for God to show me something in my prayer, and He showed me gentle rain, calm as can be. I have weeped countless of times while praying, for no reasons at all.
I can say on and on forever. Yet this is something that you guys have to experience it yourself to believe in. This my friends, is my faith.
then again, i might be just making simple things complicated. =)
tt's nt sth tt i gloat abt often, so just let me bask in tt sec of glory.
*glow glow*
Anyway i shared a testimony today. I thought it was rather gd, since i didn't realise it until i was in expo's evening of worship.
Well as some of you might know, im doing biz now. And recently one of my partnering ventures(not-bystander) has encountered a crisis. In short, we were down to this:
1) My partner and i were in debt of $2k.
2) We were involved in a court case.
3) We're moving location, and we need someone to take over the current location as we're under contract.
4) Our new location owner is having doubts about us moving over.
5) this venture was on the verge of ending actually.
6) i had 2 investors under me, and i'm responsible for their money. Even though they said it's ok, i took up the burden of returning them the amt tt they invested.
So, i just like to thank my peeps that haf been praying wif me on this, and indeed God has intervene for me. Praise God.
1) We found someone to take over the location. Thus we're given back our deposit for the contracted lease.
2) Our deposit amounted to 2k, which got us out of debt.
3) Out of debt means no court case to attend to.
4) The new owner finally agreed to let us move in the shop and shared rent(it's alot cheaper now)
5) New shop, new direction, new venture.
Yep, i do tink at times there is God's doing in many situations. It's just that whether we're sensitive enough to know it's His doings. i hope my explanation here is better, i tink earlier on people dun quite get it.
Isabel once told me, that a guy is actually 3 yrs younger in mentality compared to a gal of the same age. I tink now i dare to say, it's personality that justify your mentality. I felt tt i might be 20 this yr, bt i feel hell older den i am. Nope it's not the beard. I really think it's the experience tt moulds one's maturity. Alot people thinks that biz for me is to earn money, but knowing me better, they will know it's just a path of experience that i embark on. I felt i matured alot in the many things that i do. Seeing things on a wider perspective and all. To survive in a dying industry, you will learn much more den one in a thriving industry. It's just tt,
when u reached the btm, it just couldn't get worse, so it's time for u to look up!
hope you all learnt sth out of it today.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
a night of worship

a sneak preview. heh!

wanna own all your friends in their phones?
bored of keypads?
okok. im selling iPhones now. thought i put my pricing here.
8gb iPhone going for 740SGD nett
16gb iPhone going for 930SGD nett
Prices are actually below market price. Im not afraid that anybody is lower den me. so do a search!
1 for 1 exchange for the 1st mth/bulk orders are welcomed too.
call/sms @ 81183861 to find out more.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Last Night - CONTINUE!
im pretty bored and tired actually. A mini photoshoot tt will go on tonight in my hse, so i cant go to slp now. woke up at like 8 plus planning the photoshoot for Spring 08. bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i wondered how many people watched the movie "881". yea, as sum of u guys might know i dun support local films cos they owaes come out wif cds tt sells for $4.50 at the end of the day. I guess karma is coming to struck me. no one rly support local talents anymore also. Singapore has no culture to speak of, talents are no longer sought after, it's always the foreign stuff tt attracts us the most isn't it?
'hell. grass always seem green on the other side. yet when we cross over, we want to go back where we came from, only to know tt the fence u jumped down from is too high to climb back'
a quote from the 881 movie tt i saw before i sticked my behind to the chair.
"Something abt being an artiste. they give their best out there to entertain the crowd. but when left alone, they're the quietest people around. just watching life pass by them, taking a break from it"
'Mika - Grace Kelly' came on. 'happier?'
sometimes i feel, im really the quietest person around when im not surrounded by LIFE itself. but i take joy in it.
planetshakers concert ltr!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

i love her heckless attitude.
i love her senseless crazinessi love her overwhelming joy
i love her arty farty talent.
(thr's more bt im not going to cont cos they're attached, n im afraid of dying. =P)
They're just friends alrite! So quit asking me who i fancy/love/woo/like. ESP MR GIANT. =D
yes i love them all!
Be my friend and i'll love you too.
Day 2: BBQ xy on fire. he stand there pose only la. LOL
woots. beer first den coke.
Dan's cake(totally uncalled for, ty D's parents)
my hair rox, n i rly nid a shave.
2 very drunk person in the game of King's Poker
this prank cost me 8 bucks fine for dirtying the bedsheets. LOL.
What's your take on death?
a gallery of lives being controlled by fate till the very last days. yet faith is what gave one comfort. Do not be frightened by it, it's very much like you.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Awareness Test
alrite peeps. im gg off for a chalet. be back on tues. Watch this video while im gone.
dun worry. i will still own at dota when i return. MISS ME!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008
Anyway here is it. i skipped dinner and now im gg to haf supper. doubt i'll be sleeping alr. Going to help out at children church ltr at 9am. God or no God, kids there are a reckless notorious bunch. So, mr BIG BEARDIE will be thr to curb their wadeva tt's pointing out! shucks. i rmb i gt chalet on sun. haven packed for it yet. Anyway i gt one chunk of smses to reply too now. if i dun reply, means im bored. so yar. dun take it to heart. esp the ppl tt i asked out for coffee. thanks for replying, those tt didn't reply. u REAP WAT U SOW. =DDDD heh heh heh. so nxt time dun whine why ppl dun reply to ur sms abt certain church issues when u dun even reply to coffee sms. yes ppl. im being a biatch. Let's all do wat we agree on doing ok. not tt it matters, cos i went into coma after sms-ing.
anyway tt's for now. im gg to haf supper n dota all the way to morning, too late to practice guitar alr, and 3 of my fingers are stinging. cya peeps.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
there are times when i looked at them, and wished i could know them better.
there are times i need affirmation from others.
there are times affirmation doesn't works when u thrashed urself around too badly.
there are times i wish people will grow up.
there are times i wish I could grow up.
we're not shackled by superficial things
It's the love tt binds us together.
thanks for walking the journey wif me.
NOW IT'S PRETTIER! WOOTS! kk. thanks for the ride to bishan. You're one hella of a driver! dun care abt the bus uncle la. ur car so big scared wat! rock on gal!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
im feeling emo/appreciative/happy/old/very old/ageing
Each phase of life, no doubt. ure changed. Since i haf only a few mins to post this(meeting guy) i shall post the bare minimum first.
Sec sch peeps - honestly i dun haf much memory of this phase of life, except those who continues to have contact wif me in poly. It's nth much for me to speak of also. Esp since im conformed by peer pressure around me tt caused me to not speak of. I felt i changed den. Do not dare to challenge higher authority, just the quiet old me. a noob ppl might add. heh. Gd memories.. well, will be the day tt i knew and woo this gal. hahaha! we were rly close den, and even now too. Well, we all moved on, and laughed abt tis phase tgt at times when we catched up. Her bf is a liondancer now. like fwoah. so much for sec sch eh? AND I DID WELL IN SCH!
Jc peeps - i feel this is the turning point for me. To step out, to express myself. there's alot of great frens there, like my bud joce(who disappears after awhile). den again, why do i call her bud? when all i did was wad i did for the rest. but she's a nice crazy gal, tt has 1001 things running co-currently at the same time in her head. In her, i saw a different side of jed. I saw who i can be to my frens out there. Den again, it's been awhile since i last saw or even heard from her. haha, her blog is still emo though. U HEAR TT?! WE NID TO CATCH UP SOON! This phase of life, i kinda went thru my rebellious period. Going against conformity, learning that im not the son/friend/student tt moves wif the flow. my grades started to suffer though. hahaha! it's one or the other i supposed. The principle of exchange.
Church peeps - I learnt alot from here. So much happiness, so much sadness. LOL, at times i feel. This is the only place where my feelings goes through the rollercoaster the most. This is the place, i learnt to forgive and forget. Under people i learnt foundation, stability, growth. This is the place tt im the happiest in, yet at times, this is the place whr i found much disappointments in. Not in God, but in His people. Many of my friendships here broke apart, because of people around me. I loved them all, and sad to say, it's the thing tt kills me at times. I cant take disappointments at all, esp when it comes from friends. I cant stand breakups of friendships over minor stuffs. And to be honest. I miss all of them. I really do. But in this new cg, which new faces and new feelings. i really hope, this are the friendships tt will be eternal.
i miss you all. i rly do. if u all can see this, which i doubt so. I didn't trade my heart for anything, i just gave it away to you.
Poly peeps(ZOMG IT'S 430 GUY IS GG TO KILL ME) - i learnt to be mature here. That the world is not about butterflies and flowers and everything nice. It's the darn working world, where u learnt to kill or be killed. It's the place where i learnt interpersonal rls. Where i founded a grp of assholes and bastards bcos i cant find time for all of them. Dun get me wrong, they're all nice in their own ways. This is the place i found wad im called out to be in the workplace. I found my desire for certain stuffs, and i dare say. Poly make me who i am today, good or bad, you all be the judge here. My yr1 peeps is still the best, WG CLAN. ok im gg to reveal wad it means. it's called whining gossipers(retarded rite). cos we dun rly like a gal tt whines alot, so we owaes gossip abt her. But i dare say, this bunch of frens are the ones tt i still feel young and at ease wif. Even though we seldom meet up now, except for the yearly ZOUK meeting we haf on jem's bdae. Wad my teachers said were true, ur yr1 peeps are ur true frens. Cos they're are the one tt doesn't nid to compete wif u. and they're not tainted by the world yet. how true? hah GLENDA CHONG PLS MAKE GD USE OF THIS PARAGRAPH.
hmm. so much for this memories. maybe cos im gg army soon. hahaha. IM FEELING SO OLD.
ok. im officially dead. i gtg. kkthxbye!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
my guest star was LY by the way.
ly: happy april fool!
jw: (sobbing) sry im not in the mood to joke. my ex just commited suicide. im rushing to the hospital now. why does it haf to end like tis...
ly went cheery on me and joked abt: huh ur ex?! glen? HAHAHAHAHA
jw noes tt sth is amiss. suspected jc.: hw can u laugh at tis time. haf u no heart?
i went mia awhile. to plan the nxt step wif jc. (actually i suspect he went to collab wif her alr)
anyway to conclude, jc rly loves ly tt he gave me up for her. LOL. bt i love ly too.