Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thanks for helping out even though it's so last min notice.
Thanks for telling me it can be done even though my fren said it couldn't be done.
Thanks for staying up so late cos i told ya i nid it by today, n u gt to work tml.
Thanks for the prayer.
Thank God for you.
This is a true fren. n blessed i am to have her.
To keep on keeping on. This is a tribute post for a superhero. wif laser eyes.
Monday, January 28, 2008
a sneak preview.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Adios Ayer - Jose Padilla
i haf 51% visits that lasted less den 5 sec. i wonder wad u all come in for.
n i haf ppl who stayed here for more den a hour. i too wonder what ya doing.
smokey smokes! (sequel added)
Done by: Jed
Picture Source: (cigarette) (cigarette butt)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
shld rly starting taking care of my health, all the late nites and the irregular eating time has definitely taken its toll on my body, man im growing so fat n i cant stop it. HAHAHAHAHA. n my face is like dropping apart from all the pimples and all that. Haven been drinking much water but lotsa beer for no reason. yea man. muz start to recuperate after i graduate, but i doubt so anyway. going to work in another events company, life muz be damn hectic. hahaha! oh well. FOR THE FUTURE!
you guys shld start planning to. dun wait till ure throwed in a situation and then u tink why did i waste my life like tt. Im regretting my past 3 yrs. but now it's time to change. maybe u guys shld start thinking too.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Recently this word keeps revolving round my mind. love.
Im starting to believe it's cheapen to the state of lust, from the people that surrounds me.
eh the gal chio hor? wah i tink i like her.
omg. big.. omg. i wanna ...
Honestly, no matter hw they like to say they wanna share this kind of info with their brothers, i'm starting to get disgusted of it.
i feel to 2-time. ure making urself a slut and u rly accumulate neg karma points.
Is there all there is to love? are u sure that's love? Den wad difference is your love compared to lust?
It's not like i have not interfere before, but the numbers just keeps growing. n nevertheless, im very irritated when it comes to cheapening the value of it. Cos i seen true love from people, not only from church(which is hardly if you're not in the right circle) but from some of the couples who actually been thru thick n thin to keep it together.
Frankly, i juz ranting. cos i seen ppl who fall in love all the time, too quickly. It's not like nothing happened before that. I have also seen people who seeks attention all the time. That i hate the most.
Im not sum love sage. I just feel disatisfied with the grp's values(which is none). Maybe it's time i move on. GROW UP PEOPLE.
-if ure pissed wif me. Take ur problem to me, not to sum channels. Yes, you might be great, but i seen people who doesn't bother with lots of excuses to back up with it, yap yap yap. all talk no ACTION. i detest that.
man im juz ranting nonsense. few more days. gogogo.
mon - IMC paper. Tutor found out my work has been plagarised by other groups, who took no effort in changing the work. Moreover, i was only showing them the template, but sum1 took the extra effort to copy it. PROTECT N GAMBLE. pls la. so obvious u copied. hw can u lie to me 3 times in a matter of few hours, when i swore by u i will protect u if u didn't copy. it totally spoilt my mood of doing the paper n my day.
tues - I didn't want to attend school today. Knowing that it's junior lee's lesson, and we got to show him our report which he disapproved strongly but we go ahead anyway. How can a teacher comment a student's work as shit? Anyway i didn't go anyway, n the feedback from my members is that he continued to say it's shit and keep hurling sarcastic remarks at us, that we decided to speak to the subject head about his attitude. I love to make frens wif him, to share sum of our biz ideas. But sry peeps, for not being there to shield u all. Im juz feeling vulnerable.
wed - Submission of Strategic marketing report. We were informed to report in sch at 1130am to sign our declaration form. So here we are, 1130am(ok cal n i were abit late) but the carrier of the report wasn't in sch. She was totally uncontactable, and we had last min info abt we nid to prepare more stuff for the report. that got us helter skelter trying to get ready the stuff wif few mins before the dateline(12pm). In the end, she woke up at 12 plus, saying that she overslept. I was being very cool about it, but not the members. in the end we handed in our report 1 hr ltr for submission, wif a 10% penalty on our heads. STILL, i was being very cool abt it. (n we still didn't sign the declaration form -.-")
LTR on in the day.
Jh n i decided to change our entrepreneurship idea and did on my biz instead. Everything went well for 3 hours and we were told to change location due to the closure of the mkting lab(Brand Hub). jh saved in his thumbdrive but forgotten to save another copy in the email. When we went into the sch lab on lvl 1. His thumbdrive was empty, apparently the virus cleared out everything in his thumbdrive. Wasting 3 hours of our time.
After all this. I have only a word quoted from cheryl. "SPEECHLESS" i honestly cant believe tis down luck for this entire wk for our group. It wasn't simple at all to work so tightly weaving in between timelines, but this is juz too weird. It's tis kind of time when we owaes say muz go pai pai. LOL.
now i have to stay awake to re-do the report, which so many other datelines align at my throat, waiting to slice if i make the slightest mistake.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The songs i sang over the phone.
lil acts that warms the heart.
the silly acts she does
the laughter
the racing heartbeat
the big question
the hug.
the nite we sat by the moonlight
the stars and the breeze comfort us
the first kiss
the first quarrel
tears rolled as we hugged
the make up
warmth of hands embracing each other.
the time when u cried.
the look you had when u clutch me tight.
so forlorn. such despair.
the big fight
the sad goodbye.
woots. lotsa work to be done. n im juz ranting.
Disclaimer: all these didn't happen. AHAHAHHAHAHAHA.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Some of you guys might be wondering, why did i posted the lyrics for the Jesus take the wheel by Carrie Underwood. (ok. i didn't know tt the song is only 30 sec. oh well) (video)
I just felt that it's been awhile since i last posted anything abt GOD. Unlike my previous blog that some of you all might have access to, where i was a whole lot younger, my struggles with God and life. I know some of you guys might not like what i've gg to pen here. But wad the heck. see the red button on the top right corner and close it now. Cause it's a dedication to GOD.
Hmm. I admit that there was this period of time when i ran low on faith, but i chose to ran on my own strength and not lean on Him. It was indeed an independent act on my own, where i push myself so i would not stumble any of his sheeps. Indeed Man can only do so much, it didn't took very long when i dwell on self-pity and this burden weigh me down from moving on. I will like to share, but i couldn't find anyone who was in a better state than I am. Everyone have their own problems, everyone needs the comfort, and i was a source for that. Honestly to think back now, I think too highly on myself. The world will not fall apart without me in it. Indeed, after going through all this. This song just reflects my feelings now.
Oh, Jesus take the wheel
Oh, I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
So this is my prayer today.
Dear Lord,
Im sorry for the way i've been living,
I know i got to change
So take my wheel today.
Im going to let go
and let you take charge again.
It's not going to be easy
I don't know how to start.
I don't even know how long can this last.
Life is full of unknowns
Yet i choose to believe in You.
You gave Your life for me.
In return, I offer mine.
So Jesus, take the wheel,
Guide and lead me as
I renew my life today.
As v said, im a happily drunk man.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Jesus take the wheel - Carrie Underwood
She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati
On a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat
Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline
It would been a long hard year
She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention
She was going way to fast
Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was sooo scared
She threw her hands up in the air
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this all on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
It was still getting colder when she made it to the shoulder
And the car came to a stop
She cried when she saw that baby in the backseat sleeping like a rock
And for the first time in a long time
She bowed her head to pray
She said I'm sorry for the way
I've been living my life
I know I've got to change
So from now on tonight
Jesus take the wheel
Take it from my hands
Cause I can't do this all my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
To save me from this road I'm on
Oh, Jesus take the wheel
Oh, I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
Save me from this road I'm on
From this road I'm on
Jesus take the wheel
Oh, take it, take it from me
Oh, why, oh
Urban Legends
Found this website nt long ago, filled with urban legends and hoax on the internet. Kinda entertaining to read actually. haf fun. =)
Friday, January 18, 2008
What Jed Means |
You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row. You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace. People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality. |
Your IQ Is 115 |
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional Your General Knowledge is Above Average |
no logic lo. hahahaha
Anyway bought dinner on my way home and encounter 3 adolescents asking people to help them buy beer. Even though they told me that he was 18 but he didn't bring IC which i know is bullshit. I still offered my help to get them 4 bottles of Carlsberg. Why? cos they are so kiddish tt they cant pronounce carlsberg, but im impressed by their attempt. The cashier at counter didn't seem pleased of my help, but im pissed that she smiled and say. no need to check your ic. haha. the beard helps. 2 yrs back the beard cant even make u go into a club, i gt bounced outta zouk once, crap. tt's y i understand their plight and it's PAYBACK TIME.
Anyway im just want to say that is age comes with responsibility. May it be big or small, that's sth tt will definitely forces u to grow up. Responsibility is something that you inevitably received, it was never forced on you, yet u have to take on it, weighing down your childlike thoughts and actions. I honestly didn't like it at the start, it meant alot of discipline, alot of work, testing your maturity time n time again. May it be the slightest thing like clearing up after dinner, it's definitely no longer the same as age catches up to you.
It's not at all simple, yet it's comes with pros as well. like freedom. Frens will know me as having overprotective parents, who missed call and smses u like crazy if im still not yet home. I remember during 4+am in the morning when i had to persuade my frens tt my mum is up waiting for me to come home. Now my parents gave me alot of freedom in everything that i do. Ever since yr 1 of my poly life where i decided to embark on myself. my mum didn't even know i was in marketing until the 2nd yr of my poly. I grew to be a lot independent in my life, planning my path, be it business or studies. They dun even call as much as they used to if im out late. Im honestly more relaxed with all these shackles loosen from me. As i might add, Responsibility is there to earn trust. It's pretty true on my side.
Yet there are many at times where ppl abuse this power that they newly embraced. I dare say tt the responsibility i carried sumtimes is too. Like the late nites out, the things tt i cant say here, or even using this responsibility to help underages buy alcohol. It's not right yet these are lil kicks in life tt you get with responsibility. not the right things tt i will like to teach, yet these are the lil forbidden fun that one can get. But the kicks run out as soon as it comes, i used to want to do all those stuff tt im not of legal age to do but when i reach it, i do not even have the feel to do it, curiousity dies i guess. Like clubbing, im despo b4 18. yet when i hit 18. i onli club once a yr. how ironic is that!
Actually i dunno where this post leads to, i feel im just acting all preachy and ranting. so i shld just shut and go shower now. man it's 5.42am.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
As i realised when u laidback and watch life runs by itself. You tend to discover little details that you used to overlook. How people are impacted by ur word, by ur action. When a little thing u do can brighten up one's day, or make his/her day. Yet at times, these are the little things that u failed to control. May it be personality, may it be the pace of life that overwhelms us. Yet time and time again, these are the things that truly makes u feel worthwhile living. I seen people slogging hard to gain material possessions, to live life short n fast, thru wadeva fun they might seek out of it. Fags, booze, the lust for 'life' that they seek yet not found. Getting into rls that they long to merge with their other 1/2, yet based their search on such superfical insignificant things. That's why rls died out as fast as they merge.
Me? yes. i tried it all for all that were stated, yet in these things i find hard to grasp the true meaning. All my life i have been rushing datelines after datelines, where i hardly find time for people, or even myself. I lost it somewhere, lost who am i and what i could do. Yet knowing where my losses are, i find it hard to pull yourself out of this realm that is of no meaning to me. The lust for acceptance, for a 'life' that i thought i desired, giving up precious things that i thought was meaningless. Yes. i love every minute of it. Life of a rebel, live life fast and hopefully u die young, or all of it will haunt u when ure no longer able to play. But soon, i realised everything was futile, it makes no sense at all. I struggled back in hope to grasp the past, yet i could not find it anymore. Deceived by the veil of 'life', i lost the true meaning of the word, and could no longer see its worth.
Thus, lie on your couch today. And see where you're heading today. If that's all there is to life, time for u to switch path today.
Im smiling today, cause i saw it.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Damn. another nite on the couch. For sum reason i felt like a husband kicked outta the room very often this mth. Must have been real tired when i tot i could take a nap at 1am n go shower after that. i slept thru the nite till 9am. gosh. nw im filthy n tired. worse is im having another paper ltr n i haven study. n i gt lessons at 1pm. woots. shagness.
ok i go shower kkthxbye
I have to agree with him on this. Travelling has never felt the same anymore. Not tt it curbs my urge of cabbing, but it does make long journey seems a lot shorter. Anyway had 2 papers today. 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening. I felt stupid not studying. Den again, i felt stupid to study. Both subjects are pretty meaningless and common sense. Ok. Global mkting is just killer, but entrepreneurship is just a whole lot of crap, meant for mkting students to exploit with.
I ended sch at 7pm. Slacked wif guy n pang awhile before heading down to Compass point to meet Xy n Jason for dinner. Since i was pretty early, took a walk around CP. Haven been thr for ages, n listening to the music on the go just makes waiting time more pleasant.
I like to spend time wif frens, but lately i just feel like being alone. It's pretty pleasant to walk around alone, thinking abt stuff in your life(although mine aint tt happening anymore), plug in to music, to another world of its own. Not that being in a crowd is not good, but in your mind is just constantly what they are going through and their problems. I will like to put it as. No time for yourself.
The self indulgence of being selfish once in a while. It works for me. To get away from EVERYBODY, do wad u want, n be happy abt it.
Anyway, i did sth i haven been doing in a very very long time.
Yes my frens. Jed borrowed a novel from library. It's been awhile since i last read this kind of materials. I remember im pretty fond of it during sec sch, cos my english is atrocious and i need to read more to enhance my story wif hoo haa kinda phrases. It kinda grew on me and died quickly ever since i entered jc/poly. Nevertheless, i decided to start reading again, another past-time when im on a journey. Plug in, relax and read. Awesome.
Started playing with the pearls that i refuse to eat in my milk tea. LOL. so much for being mature.
Anyway i will like to blog a nice nice post abt everyone. But im having strategic mkting paper tml and there's a big zit under my beard which is friggin annoying. damn.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Heard from my mum my teacher called me today. Dunno wad's gg on n she aint picking up either.
Oh yar. sat was Megan's birthday party(sorta) at Timbre (Substation). The place is alrite for chillout wif the ambience and all but i cant say much abt the service which was how Alex will like to put it. "SHIT"
Being in SSC where we tink SERVICE is everything, and trained to be RUTHLESS AGGRESSION. We decided not to take things as it is and bring it up another notch by calling for the manager. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
Oh yar. a lil intro abt Alex. A fren of Meg who looks real crappy and drunk when he tried to steal a beer cup from Timbre but looks super HIGH & MIGHTY when he's talking to the manager.
oh ya. he's a debater. Guess my explanation ends here.
Anyway props to Alex DA MAN. he gt us a 20% discount for that day's food which costs near 500. So we kinda save 100 bucks for the bad service.
After tt Wai Leong, Kai Long n I went off to cafe cartel for round 2 since we didn't rly eat much at Timbre. Had St louis pork ribs n chilled for awhile, planning my steps after i grad n the past of working in SSC. They're moving on to uni soon. sad man, kinda waiver my decision to hit SSC again.
alritey. tt's all for now. Back to watching Heroes. opps. i mean mugging.
yea rite.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
LOL. this is hilarious. so calling u homies out thr. i aint no gangsta.
Friday, January 11, 2008
I realise i dun gif a damn abt my sis.
LOL. tsk sucks.
i believe the onli one act tt both of us rmb as brotherly love was me buying her 3 puny pigeon eggs from canteen when i was in pri sch. tt's exactly all i rmb.
LOL. too busy wif life.
Rly notoriously bad brother. Since she keep hearing from my dad how this and that i was. I dun blame her. cos i was seldom there for her either. I bet she know nuts abt me. Why? cos i noe nuts abt her either.
1. I thought she was les. LOL. bt den i just tink it's just sum sec sch lub lub thing. LOL TWIT.
2. i didn't noe she was in Hwa Chong JC until i saw her orientation tee. tt's why i freak out to rx n jon. LOL.
3. Everytime i see her. i tink she looks different. I believe cos im seldom home, or just when i return she's already fallen aslp.
4. I onli changed her hairstyle. she sorta move on herself from there. vainpot.
5.I heard from everybody tt she looks exactly like me. which is quite scary. cos i always tink of her as pretty n slim. eh. SHE IS. not guyson's kinda of pretty sis. but yea.
TIME FLIES(i do sound like 20 now)
Now she returns home later den me, and she's not at home on a sat. LOL ALAS. guess both my parents is finally gg to spend sum quality private time wif both of us missing in action for a LONG TIME.
see. i told u. im nt notorious. u just haven seen the world.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
as if bolly aint sexy enuff.
1 individual journal on strategic marketing. I never understand why they call it journal when i haf to follow so many restrictions and to use marketing terms in it. I need to write a reflection abt tis PCC cafe. hahaha. how ironic.
1 individual journal on entrepreneurship. Need to write some1 who is in the biz long enough to go thru mountains and valleys but cant be too famous like elim chew, 77th street. sexay.
Best is. im feeling slpy and returning to my couch. no. i mean bed. argh.
Couch seems to be my comfort zone lately. all i do is lie there all day and tink abt wad nids to be done.
I'm feeling super popular rite now. Been mentioned on sum1's blog so many times that i bet i gt sum readers popping by mine. N im looking forward to a evil smirk from a hater on sat. Just bcos i dig hard.
So many stuff to do. So little time. And i dare to blog still.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008
For the past few days i've just been slping and doing nothing significant at all. Perhaps the issue wif my grandpa left me reeling with a down morale, and eating just dun seem wise anymore. Anyway today i find myself sleeping on the couch since 10pm till now, wif missed calls n sms-es from frantic groupmates. Just like to apologise for my actions if i have not been playing my role as a leader. Got to pick myself up first.
I find my life all about building relationship with people. I realised im nothing more than that. Just a listener, a comforter and a friend. Im not some talented guy in anything. Just an average joe in whatever things i do. Those 3 things are the things that i can speak of, but i haven't done my best in the past few months at all. Perhaps i do not dare to do it all over again.
I find myself putting too much into every relationships that i commit with people. I always thought that was most important, to be truthful and nothing less to each of them. Thus i build everything of myself on each significant individuals. In the end, i earned what was due to me, but soon i realised there's a cost for all my actions.
I grew very emotionally attached to all of them, i yearn to listen to what they have to share, always wanting to offer any forms of help if available. But i come to realise, if they give up on that relationship first, or if anything happened to them, somehow the attachment will be torn apart, leaving me reeling in the after-effects.
One incident has caused me to be never be the same. I degraded myself in a matter of months, picking up all the wrong habits, the lust for worldly life just took me over. What was taught in 2 years, i find no meaning at all. Doubts just clouded my mind. Am i still what she said i was? In the end, it doesn't even matter.
A double edged sword. The benefits that everyone gets to enjoy from a rls with me. Yet a fatal cost that i will have to bear alone.
I wish i was selfish at times, didn't have to care since the benefits i get is so insignificant compared to the cost i have to pay. In a biz minded, this is considered high risk low return investment.
Yet i knew, without doing this investment. Jed is worthless.
This sentence of jed or junwei? the sentence that made an impact in my life, yet the impacter is gone.
So here i am, picking myself up in this new year. With only one barrier to break.
thanks for the support, u know who you are.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
since im doing global marketing for India. Thought i immense into their culture.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
BATTLE at Siloso Beach '08 COUNTDOWN

This hawt chic is not SHY at all! she played out the hottest tunes in town n got the partae started!!! "im gg to club everyday if she's in sg' - quoted from J boy
Battle wounds from hurling banglas.
Hole at my sleeve. Didn't notice till some1 mention.
Lost ring at foam party by Derrick's takedown
Broken slipper
Honestly, the reflection for the day is. i didn't noe banglas can afford all this partying. There were loads of them there. like REALLY. the breakdown of Black to Yellow were like 312432542364353 is to 1. they pop up from everywhere in the dance floor n molesting every gal that arent protected. LOL GOSH. i even got elbowed by a bangla tt was dancing bolly wif rnb music. I shove him back n walk away, or else will kena moshpit by 'them'
a lil thanks
She kept smiling even though i told her she's in deep trouble cos big boss man is angry. Well, i knew you can handle it. That's why i picked you to be our Miss 'Do it ALL' in BS. work hard venis, n thanks for the effort and sacrifices. =)
This silly gal that never fails to cheer one up. Even though behind my back i heard u vent fustration of wad im going through. But i know that it's all bcos of me. Thanks silly bud. =)
I will love to blog everyone. But tt's the onli 2 recent photos tt i haf. hahaha too bad!