We went to Fish n Co to celebrate her bdae! anyway here are sum fotos.

Green Hoodie as her present.
She insisted on wearing it like tt. owell.

EMO seh

Venis is too HAWT to handle.

During our fish n co meal, liyun managed to shoot her butter rice into venis' cup.

Glenda's leftover

Venis brought a calculator!!!!
ok la. she's was gg to gif tuition ltr.

I gave her a chocolate cake completed wif a candle. All completed from the toilet.
u see, jed had a very bad run.

The gals n barney!

The guys wif the cartoon characters.
there! the one in checkered shirt. Clark Kent's wife.

Went to Esplanade to walk around

May the Force be wif You.


Nature Lover.
or just dead?

We like big butts and we cannot lie!

Business meeting

Deal or no deal?

Revolutionise. Snip snip!! heh heh..

Yo Brutha!~~~

Arm Wrestling challenge.
How to win stone sia!?

One happy statue.
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