I'll let the videos and fotos do the toking. u guys enjoy.
is wad we do everyday. DOTA. HAHAHAHHAHA..
if u guys dun understand. i was doing epic n dagger in for the kill, so liyun called for help and venis(drow ranger) came over and silence me. best part was. she said. zhao zhao zhao!!! LOL..
bt i bet u guys wun understand either. LOL.. owell.
sum fotos for today.

Drow ranger(venis) frost arrowed liyun(zeus)

the snow queens of our cg.
n the joker. =D

i chun li ok?
Ltr i kick ur butt.

Our veri own jas trying hard to learn the guitar and pass the test ltr.

There. trying lo.

Our bahasa indonesia family.
the cute. the quiet n the LOUD. LOLOL..

We decide to end the post wif liyun. since she owaes haf cool posture n it's nt for the camera. we secretly snap. LOL...
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