• Perform each Turbulence Training workout for 4 weeks and then switch to a new Turbulence Training workout.
• After every 12 weeks, take one week off from Turbulence Training for recovery purposes.
During the recovery week, you may perform light, low-intensity workouts.
• Workout 3 days per week alternating between workout A and workout B.
• Train intervals 3 days per week. These can be done after strength training or on non-strength training days. Make sure you have at least 1 full rest day per week.
• In week 1, you will follow an A, B, A schedule. In week 2, a B, A, B schedule. In week 3, an A, B, A schedule, and in week 4, a B, A, B schedule.
• Each pair of exercises constitutes a “Superset”. In each Superset, do one set of the first exercise followed immediately by the next (A1 & A2).
– Beginners & Intermediate: Rest 30 seconds after completing the exercises in the Superset (i.e. after A1 & A2).
– Advanced: Rest as little as possible between exercises and supersets. Rest only to take drinks of water or if whenever you feel like you need a break.
• Use the recommended lifting tempo for all exercises (except for any holding exercises like the planks where it is just a static hold).
– For example, (3x15) 2-1-1 means 3 sets of 15 reps at a 2-1-1 tempo (2 seconds to lower, 1 sec pause, 1 sec to lift)
• Finish each workout with stretching for the tight muscle groups only.
• Never skip a warm-up. For a warm-up, perform this circuit 2x’s using a 2-0-1 tempo:
– 10 reps of bodyweight squats or lying hip extensions
– 20 second plank
– 6-10 reps of kneeling pushups or pushups
– Do not rest during the warm-up circuit.
• If you are limited by time, reduce the number of sets in the workout, but always perform the full warm-up.
Sample Workout Structure
• Here’s how a sample workout looks:
Bodyweight Warm-up Circuit 2x’s (this should take you less than 5 minutes)
• Bodyweight Squat – 10 reps
• Plank – 20 seconds
• Pushup or Kneeling Pushup – 6 reps
Turbulence Training Strength Workout (ex. Beginner Workout A)
1A) Lying Hip Extension (8 reps)
no rest – go directly to:
1B) Plank (15 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds.
Repeat this cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
2A) Prisoner Squat (12 reps)
no rest – go directly to:
2B) Bird Dog (5 reps)
Rest 30 seconds.
Repeat this cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
3A) Kneeling Pushup (8 reps)
no rest – go directly to:
3B) Side Plank (5 seconds)
Rest 30 seconds.
Repeat this cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
4A) Band Pull (15 reps)
no rest – go directly to:
4B) Ab Curl-up (15 reps)
Rest 30 seconds.
Repeat this cycle 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.
Turbulence Training Intervals
• See below for Interval instructions.
• Stretch tight muscle groups only.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Fat fighter! hahaha!!!
instead of letting this blog die. must as well record my weigh loss progress.
Ok now to state some goals.
short term : 10km marathon at 12th Sep 2010.
Current Height : 172cm.
Current Weight: 81kg.
Desired weight: 70 kg
Desired daily Calories intake: 1785 Calories.
No more than 100g of carbs (Eat right)
Perks: tattoo? tt burberry shirt without any bulge.
Ok now to state some goals.
short term : 10km marathon at 12th Sep 2010.
Current Height : 172cm.
Current Weight: 81kg.
Desired weight: 70 kg
Desired daily Calories intake: 1785 Calories.
No more than 100g of carbs (Eat right)
Perks: tattoo? tt burberry shirt without any bulge.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
when the stage is bare tonight
there's no one else.
just You n me.
the God i know.
Does not stand aside while i fall.
Does not turn away while i reached out to Him.
Does not reject me when i fail.
He is ever faithful.
Dun think too much about it. It is not what u seem, in the end. God sees it. That's all it matters for now jed. =)
there's no one else.
just You n me.
the God i know.
Does not stand aside while i fall.
Does not turn away while i reached out to Him.
Does not reject me when i fail.
He is ever faithful.
Dun think too much about it. It is not what u seem, in the end. God sees it. That's all it matters for now jed. =)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Greater things in store
hmm i really want to write this down, perhaps even on fb or twitter. Yet i know that it cant be reveal to everybody. Chose to write it here, knowing that there's no longer a lot of people reading blogs anymore. Cos i have stopped writting.
Been growing abit lazy, kinda lost the motivation. Missed tkd for starters. But now with my injured ankle. All these have become a fad in the past. Missed those training moments. hmm.
Going to keep on running. keep on working out. I have a vision to follow, a dream to chase.
1. 70kg
2. Nissan Murano. (man i loved suv)
3. take a step n be a gd cgc.
4. At least 1 fruit for the yr.
5. study hard.
that's abt it. going to kip coming back for this.
Been growing abit lazy, kinda lost the motivation. Missed tkd for starters. But now with my injured ankle. All these have become a fad in the past. Missed those training moments. hmm.
Going to keep on running. keep on working out. I have a vision to follow, a dream to chase.
1. 70kg
2. Nissan Murano. (man i loved suv)
3. take a step n be a gd cgc.
4. At least 1 fruit for the yr.
5. study hard.
that's abt it. going to kip coming back for this.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
If you haven heard about it yet..
yes. i haf finally ORD-ed. the 2 yrs seems awfully long at times, but thinking back im already missing the fun we have. Some were intelligent, most were plain dumb. but im glad we tough it out. It's really the most fun times we have, holding on to my ic, was an unexplainable joy, yet coupled with the thought.
This is probably the last time im going to haf this much. well. ruthless guys kinda fun.
Have been busy for quite some time ever since i ord. didn't have much time to spend with some of my friends either. or even family for that matter. A lot has happened. but it cant stop us. Come on, we been thru so much, what is this little thing.
Really starting to miss the poly friends too. Used to hang out once a wk, yet now wif everyone's busy schedule. It's difficult to even see everyone on bdaes. kinda sad to see it turned out like this.
but i guess, we all have grown up and taken our place in society. Some started working, others still serving NS. while for me, im starting school soon. Once again another new environment. Used to think i have a bunch of friends will be going uni with me. Didn't expect.. well, to be the only one going in now. Guess times have indeed changed. A transition is taking place, and yes, i have to hold on for it now. I can be who i want myself to be. tt's all it matters. Thank God for placing other ppl in the sch too. Didn't expect ruth to join me in the same course. Will really look out for each other in our own ways i guess, but well. we do wat we can then.
been doing a lot of training lately, cant be as lazy as i was in the past or in camp. I realised being a farmer now really apt for wat i can been gearing myself up for. There's sch, cg,personal life, rls wif ppl, my own health. It's what really keeps me going on everybody. Of course there's a few promises here and there. im not intending to break it. I wanna see myself thru all these. Because, i know i can.
I ploughed the ground, sow the seeds, water and tend to it. And then, i wait. you guys should too. Until then.
This is probably the last time im going to haf this much. well. ruthless guys kinda fun.
Have been busy for quite some time ever since i ord. didn't have much time to spend with some of my friends either. or even family for that matter. A lot has happened. but it cant stop us. Come on, we been thru so much, what is this little thing.
Really starting to miss the poly friends too. Used to hang out once a wk, yet now wif everyone's busy schedule. It's difficult to even see everyone on bdaes. kinda sad to see it turned out like this.
but i guess, we all have grown up and taken our place in society. Some started working, others still serving NS. while for me, im starting school soon. Once again another new environment. Used to think i have a bunch of friends will be going uni with me. Didn't expect.. well, to be the only one going in now. Guess times have indeed changed. A transition is taking place, and yes, i have to hold on for it now. I can be who i want myself to be. tt's all it matters. Thank God for placing other ppl in the sch too. Didn't expect ruth to join me in the same course. Will really look out for each other in our own ways i guess, but well. we do wat we can then.
been doing a lot of training lately, cant be as lazy as i was in the past or in camp. I realised being a farmer now really apt for wat i can been gearing myself up for. There's sch, cg,personal life, rls wif ppl, my own health. It's what really keeps me going on everybody. Of course there's a few promises here and there. im not intending to break it. I wanna see myself thru all these. Because, i know i can.
I ploughed the ground, sow the seeds, water and tend to it. And then, i wait. you guys should too. Until then.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Feels like the end
blackberry finally gave up on me. Spoilt. Currently waiting for replacement by Starhub. Tempted to call them and make a big fuss. When the wait becomes unbearable i guess.
Having a slight urge to close this blog down for good. Haven been updating much(ps3 is doing system update now) and i guess even without the viewership, it's still a gd place to vent some thoughts out.
Been thinking a lot, dreaming a lot(sleeping a lot), lazing a lot. Just waiting for the days to pass by and disturb the enlistees on my last day. Dreams have been.. happy and weird most of the times, sometimes even waking up confused. Been thinking about what everybody is saying. And honestly, i rly felt like doing it. Yet many at times, unprepared to handle the tasks at hand. and i dun feel like blogging anymore. Accumulated so much things for this post, yet i forgotten most of it just arriving here.
Having a slight urge to close this blog down for good. Haven been updating much(ps3 is doing system update now) and i guess even without the viewership, it's still a gd place to vent some thoughts out.
Been thinking a lot, dreaming a lot(sleeping a lot), lazing a lot. Just waiting for the days to pass by and disturb the enlistees on my last day. Dreams have been.. happy and weird most of the times, sometimes even waking up confused. Been thinking about what everybody is saying. And honestly, i rly felt like doing it. Yet many at times, unprepared to handle the tasks at hand. and i dun feel like blogging anymore. Accumulated so much things for this post, yet i forgotten most of it just arriving here.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Man of circumstances
Just came back from cg today. Really excited abt the building still :) but of cos attached to it will definitely be of some sacrifice. Msg gt me thinking today, when did I exactly lost that first love. Tt first place tt I used to long for. I dare not blame it on being older. I seen uncle doing what he REQUIRES just to seek God. My experiences are not built on the sermons, but by the people around me. Close friends to complete strangers, to be able to impart and be imparted. To teach and be taught, that's the experience tt I hold so dearly. Always felt my life is based on ppl's lives. Tt I do not live on my own, n I still believe in it. Seriously, who wants to live alone?
A dear friend of mine had some issues gng on. N being forced by circumstances, he has to well..
All these will changed his life dearly, yet these are the things tt u can't just avoid it. Circumstances forced us to grow up, to wake up. The world out there is not all dreamy and happy always, thr's a downside too. Yet the decisive factor is not the situation, but an individual's choice. Does one choose to wallow in self pity? Or grow up and take charge? Both are men forced by circumstances. Yet what u do will leave behind a mark. Just like Job, and David. Men forced by cirumstances, yet never chose to give up. Yet in all the down times, they forced their soul to well. Adapt and grow up.
Life is not all tt bad ppl. It's not even hw stupid/clever ur decision is.
It's ur attitude, unfazed by circumstances tt will leave a mark :)
A dear friend of mine had some issues gng on. N being forced by circumstances, he has to well..
All these will changed his life dearly, yet these are the things tt u can't just avoid it. Circumstances forced us to grow up, to wake up. The world out there is not all dreamy and happy always, thr's a downside too. Yet the decisive factor is not the situation, but an individual's choice. Does one choose to wallow in self pity? Or grow up and take charge? Both are men forced by circumstances. Yet what u do will leave behind a mark. Just like Job, and David. Men forced by cirumstances, yet never chose to give up. Yet in all the down times, they forced their soul to well. Adapt and grow up.
Life is not all tt bad ppl. It's not even hw stupid/clever ur decision is.
It's ur attitude, unfazed by circumstances tt will leave a mark :)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lil confession
haven't been online much lately, which is quite.. well. let's just say i used to be online 24/7 in the past. Combined with army, i rly know nuts about what's going on in everybody's lives lately. And the reason im here now is there's nothing to play on my ps3, and i kinda miss being the nosey friend. =)
haha feels exactly like the days i used to maple. owell! gng to jw svc now. and hello to the only friend tt follows this blog!
haha feels exactly like the days i used to maple. owell! gng to jw svc now. and hello to the only friend tt follows this blog!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
it's been only 2 days n.
1. i finished my pay.
2. Haven completed Dante's Inferno(it's kinda disturbing to play)
3. i puke till thr's nth left and then wat do u noe! the bitter yellow bile! on joseph's bdae!
4. This yr cny feels more enjoyable with the family.
5. im booking in on wed morning.
6. half a bottle of chivas left at rebel(any takers?)
7. life rocks. but i will settle for something simple next time. =)
1. i finished my pay.
2. Haven completed Dante's Inferno(it's kinda disturbing to play)
3. i puke till thr's nth left and then wat do u noe! the bitter yellow bile! on joseph's bdae!
4. This yr cny feels more enjoyable with the family.
5. im booking in on wed morning.
6. half a bottle of chivas left at rebel(any takers?)
7. life rocks. but i will settle for something simple next time. =)
The Hardest Things
The hardest thing will be to say that everything is fine as it is. when honestly it's not.
The hardest thing will be to say it's ok. but it's rly not.
The hardest thing is to after all these. to love somebody, well struggling behind everything,
thinking. just thinking.
did one get where he's coming from.
The hardest thing will be to say it's ok. but it's rly not.
The hardest thing is to after all these. to love somebody, well struggling behind everything,
thinking. just thinking.
did one get where he's coming from.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
MY bro here definitely know how to throw a party! Happy 22nd dude, hope the one ure having now is the final one! she's pretty fine!
Met alot of interesting characters too! shall not diverge so much on the blog though. Kiddy friendly =D
Met alot of interesting characters too! shall not diverge so much on the blog though. Kiddy friendly =D
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Rambling of the day
Throat is getting sore. Whole body is covered with rashes. baaaaaaaaaaaah.
Starts to wonder, what is everybody's friendships made of? How can one make a decision just so lightly when he/she decides not to be part of something anymore, and give up all that is around them? Is the friendship made cos ure part of something, or because i just want to be ur friend and nothing more to that?
I just want to continue to be your friend, whether ure part of something. or not.
Starts to wonder, what is everybody's friendships made of? How can one make a decision just so lightly when he/she decides not to be part of something anymore, and give up all that is around them? Is the friendship made cos ure part of something, or because i just want to be ur friend and nothing more to that?
I just want to continue to be your friend, whether ure part of something. or not.
guard ur heart today.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Simple pleasures of JED
ok. these are probably the darkest secrets tt i will ever post here. All of these are my indulgence. but hey, i doubt anybody reads this blog anymore so why not right heh heh heh!

i think these is a known fact ever since i got a ps3. whenever i have new game i will love to stay at home, like mr RENO will put it. i have NO LIFE.
My AH TAS!(dunno how to spell) fruit juice from ion! hahaha xy n i ventured the top levels of ion on sat and we found an AH TAS supermarket! Of course it doesn't come cheap, $4.50 for 500ml of no fruit concentrate goodness!!! or wat it seems lah. I recall xy n i like to walk around town aimlessly in the past, always going to starbucks cos it seems rly AH TAS, and cos we were poorer then. =P

COMIC BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY!!! it just shows how bored i am in camp yea? hahaha, got influenced by my friend and his batman nonsense. Got reminded of my own nonsense too =P Anyway these are the my current fav past time of the moment in camp, but stay tune guys,
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Friday, January 01, 2010
On a sidenote, i felt 09 was rly gd. God was rly gd to me too. I learnt how to trust God more, and the power of prayer. My tp, marksman and many things couldn't have come to pass without prayer. Yea, i know people might say im weak to rely on higher powers. And it's true, i KNOW at so many moments in life, God stepped into that picture. All glory to God.
God gave me lots of impt people to walk by my side in this year. Marc, my 7 21st people esp ly, jc n glen, lileng, ter and the bb gang(even though im not one), w506 n my army/poly mates. Thanks for never giving up on me, always believing in me. Laughing with me at every mountains, comforting me at every valleys. thanks for being a part of me and let's look forward for a gd 2010!!!
For my 2010. For starters i wanna walk closer and be stronger in my foundation. Im not going to give up, and keep trying. Just got to set my heart and do it!!!
1. Be 70 kg when i ORD! 11 kg to lose in 6 months!
2. Have a gd amt of money in my account by the end of the year.
3. Go Hongkong with the tt 7 people!
4. Dun be so lazy!
5. Be a better son and brother to the family.
God gave me lots of impt people to walk by my side in this year. Marc, my 7 21st people esp ly, jc n glen, lileng, ter and the bb gang(even though im not one), w506 n my army/poly mates. Thanks for never giving up on me, always believing in me. Laughing with me at every mountains, comforting me at every valleys. thanks for being a part of me and let's look forward for a gd 2010!!!
For my 2010. For starters i wanna walk closer and be stronger in my foundation. Im not going to give up, and keep trying. Just got to set my heart and do it!!!
1. Be 70 kg when i ORD! 11 kg to lose in 6 months!
2. Have a gd amt of money in my account by the end of the year.
3. Go Hongkong with the tt 7 people!
4. Dun be so lazy!
5. Be a better son and brother to the family.
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