Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
jc: pls take care of bh for me. i noe ur weird methods will make him a happy hunter. i'll take care of ur stickman!
I tot typing out in smses to everyone is a waste of my money, since i rly know who visits the blog(i tink everybody but i refuse to find out!) but many thanks to you guys for the presents n blessings. This past few weeks i have really been a pain in the ass, but thanks for putting up wif me.
No. it is not the air con room tt i will missed, or the dota n my computer, it's not the late nite driving n clubbing. I really tink, i'll miss you guys the most. (i tink i say tt to everyone.....) no la rly! I'll miss the laughters of the gals, the gay junchen and the macho guys and one lil raymond. I shall come out macho too ya? hahahahaha! i certainly hope so, even though i will be quite gay to ask my fren accompany go toilet. However blessed i am, i shall not push my luck too far. LOL. owell.
I noe perhaps by the time i return, the cg would look different wif new faces, and some of us scattered around. Before that happens, continue to love one another u noe. Take care of jc, he nids the love n concern onli a particular irritating gal tt i cannot stand can provide him.
But most imptly, rmb the fire of tis cg. Rmb the times thr was onli 3 person in cg meeting, when the cg was on the verge of disband to the river of REVIVAL that hit us and kept us strong n united. Rmb the times when we stand together in times of crisis, how we dance in front of the Lord together, how we dota together, how we stayed in starbucks chatting, how we grow together, the late nights conference calls to pray for people.
Our vision was to build this fire so strong that everybody else catches it. Now is ur time to burn n shine. Dun waiver and take a step back. Instead step forward with no regrets, knowing that it's your time. Dun be sad of our outcome, do remember we're always have a part of each other to fall back on and move with you. GOGOGO. MY E410.
jeremiah 2:21 "yet i had planted in you a noble vine, a seed of highest quality"
- Courtesy of isabel
Pieces of Jed
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Today marks the day of knowing ya for 1 friggin yr! Last yr was a kfc treat from ya. This yr is a nasi lemak treat from us! lol. ok tt's crappy. It's been a crazy yr for all of us. but wad the heck! Kampong glam fish n chips plus mixed sausages wif sheesha is just awesome! lol. im crazy.
Now im trying to load prison break while im blogging. 8 episodes to complete in 7 days, but
Sunday, May 25, 2008
bystander UPDATES!

Also just to let you readers know where is the new shop located. I went for a 'recce' for you guys. lol! First u go up the escalator from the main entrance of Far East Plaza to the 3rd floor.
Stroll in to this stretch of shops.
On the right you will find the shop "Neutral Plus"!
Yes we are currently relocated here. So do come and visit!
Many thanks for the support so far, and enjoy shopping during this GSS period. =)
Graduation Nite @ TP

Our course manager that noes our behavior all so well.

yay. glenda. LOOK AT THIS FOR YOUR FINAL DESTINATION IN POLY! IT'S ALL WORTH IT! except for the rental of the gown. oh man. nasty!
It has come to my notice that my blog is receiving abit of publicity lately. However i felt no need to refrain on my actions and words. Nope, i tried keeping a private blog for all tt nasty things, but to no avail. i cant handle 2 blogs. Moreover, i will like to kip this blog as raw as possible, which real feelings inside. Im not an actor, as much as i want to be a role model, i want people to see the real JED. not restrained by people's words, by people's thoughts. Life was never a bed of roses. It will be lying if i said it was. So why not take it into stride, that ure reading the chronicles of jed for urself? no censorship, pure raw feelings, for u guys to noe the real ME. Learn from my experience, watch my mistakes and tell urself never to head tt path. This is the advice i give to my readers. Im sure, no1 wants to read abt a vague jed that is already so secretive. =D smiles to all who been following me all this while. Im leeching from your attention. =DSaturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Let me just warn you people first, whoever that visits this blog. beware or feel my WRATH.
people are commenting/complaining that im acting odd and crazy lately.
cant i just be left alone, without the whole world telling me my time is up? no im not emo, im not crazy, im juz trying to adjust myself to getting caged up. so honestly. shut up.
is that strong enuff? or u nid me to stoop low wif vulgurities? did i mention i hate to use that? it's crude and brute. usually i wun gif a hoot once sum1 starts ranting it. i'm veri nonchalent to it in fact. I feel that people who use this has limited vocab and likes to yap alot like a pathetic dog in wadeva ways tt catches its owner's attention. I also feel that they haf low self esteem, n needs this puny words to make them feel all big n ego. Nevertheless, pathetic. So think twice whether u wanna use the limited vocab that u haf. I dunnid to be As my english and still pawn you.
i learnt i nid to cut ties and relationships. I cant believe people are so petty that they forget everything that i done for them when i did sth wrong. i HONESTLY dun tink it's wrong. notifying u a change of mind the nxt day n 1 wk notice is more than sufficient. If u seem to forget everything. FINE. just pay me back the sum tt you owe me during your fall. Honestly, how can people forget tt u done so much for them and choose to get angry? pls, i dun nid ur sympathy. i dun nid your money. on the contrary u seem to owe me instead. quite a huge sum in fact! let's see u cough tt out now. Stop whining like a kid, and show me sum guts by paying up to tell me u dunnid me! maybe i'll have more respect for u that way.
Morale - dun let ppl leech you till ure dry den u wake up n cut them out. do it early. those ingrates will never learn.
Anyone who knows the person and wants to share this post wif him. Well, you just caught me ranting, if u tink it's alright just do it. Cos i can do the same to you too. Simple as that.
I tink i haf been a fair nuff fren thru n thru. I carried u thru ur valleys when u cant do the same for me. I do my best for people. But no1 EVERS appreciate it. Well, today i had my fill. enuff is really enuff. i noe i noe. i have a bad record, so everybody thinks it's OKAY. i dun wanna be labelled all my life. So if u tink so, cut me off. I tried my best, i went the distance. Today is the day i say im giving up. give n take. so far. u haf taken everything and gave nth back. Today is the day i cut my losses n say farewell! Cos u shown me friendship is not worth it wif you.
God, You haf seen wad i went thru. I have never blamed it on others except myself. I done so much for them, yet im not expecting myself to be high and mighty. I just want a lil sth back for friendship. So far, friends let me down time and time ago. No matter how much i sow my time in them, how much i done for them. All i get back is vulgurities, haters when im down. All i got was nonchalent replies and comments. All i got was talking behind my back. NO one has tried going thru my valleys at all. All they did was complain and lament when i stop doing things and helping them. All they did was laugh at my demise and gossip on my fall. I blamed it on myself, my friendship was true to all of them, yet i failed to get their friendships. I haf failed in my calling, it's a wrong ground tt im sowing. Today i say im giving up, unless You show me a way in this. Im cutting all ties which i tink is not growing. Cutting my losses and consolidating my capital. Nothing personal, just biz.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Too much motion pictures have stifled a young mind's ability to imagine. Me i mean.
As you can see. You dun need to be in that scope of work to have enough knowledge to write the book. All you need is to wish and poof, u can write already. So overall, this book...

Friday, May 16, 2008
sleepy @ 1.40AM
This is wad i cook for lunch today. I know, it's a lil burnt. but come on. if u cant stand alil carbon in ur system muz as well die now. i mean. aiya. u noe wat i mean.
it's happy food! or wat joachim will say. tt bugger. STOP DRINKING. shldn't haf thought u how to mix. -_-"
im been writing a lot of stuff in my sermon book lately. The thoughts i had in sermon, which is not rly related at all. It's just random thoughts in my head n i pen it down. I found out sth abt me.
I realised. i haf no will of myself. Only in people's downfall, i find my meaning. When people thrive, life is pretty aimless for me. Im a sadist. gosh.
"What good are you, if you are no longer needed?"
hmm. intriguing. u noe, i no longer like to share my problems nowadays. I just simply dunno wat to say. i will just sulk. or SMILE. but honestly, do they care? not rly either. do i bother? apparently yes. BUT.
"what more do you ask of them?"
i dunno. everybody's nice. a few irritating ones. but yes. they're nice people. yes. wad more could i ask?
"what do u need actually? advice? solutions? comfort? or MERE sympathy?"
i haven gt an answer for this actually. i used to tink i would like them to offer solution or advice. yet i slowly realise, either they're not up to it, or i just plainly dun listen. it then slowly turns to the sympathy look, sad to say.
"what are you then?"
Im defensive when people explain my situation to me. yet i wish people will know. I wanted gd advice, but it often came to sympathy that never seems to fill up this space. I tried using other things which im not proud to speak of, yet it just widen the space.
"why do you tink so much?"
What is of the norm to you, might be world aparts to others
this is opening up a whole new level of jed huh people? bet u guys DIDN'T KNOW.
well, i couldn't bother anyway. wad more can someone with 18 days ramble about.
do not. I MEAN DO NOT. ask me when i enlist. i told u guys a million times. if you couldn't be bothered to rmb. dun bother asking. u wun rmb anyway. AND I DO NOT WANT TO BE REMINDED ON HOW MANY DAYS I HAF LEFT. MY COUNTDOWN IS MY WHIMPY SELF SYMPATHY. I DO NOT NEED YOU TO RUB IT IN. thanks alot! =D
im happy happy happy!~
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
My nose is not dropping off afterall
Now thr's a need for me to slack. since it's afterall the final countdown.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Don't be scared
Im falling sick. i feel my temperature rising. my body's aching. my forehead is burning. my nose is dropping off. my throat's feeling funny.
Im just being whiney.
there's nothing much to blog about these days. nothing worth mentioning going thru my mind. oh yea, except army is darn near and i cant do anything about it. Maybe if i could get hold of my head shaving video i'll post it up for you guys to laugh at me. I'll just going to HECK CARE everything in my life till i enlist. I couldn't bother to do anything either.
joce: ahh? ahhh! ahhh~ sry i rly dunno wad to respond to that. chat some time ya, rather den do the ahh thing. lol.
emi: it's not the first time i shaved my head. wad's the big surprise? if ure plastic surgery till u become an asian michael jackson. maybe.. JUST MAYBE I'LL GO AHH!~
jason: it's not exactly crewcut. but yea. i'll go wif wadeva u say since u mention handsome. =D
v: fringe is superficial. u got to look further.
xy: -.-"
guy: when will u guys gif up. first jap. now hk?
did i mention i dun like a spammer tt starts wif v?
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Sunday, May 04, 2008
smiles to joce*
Rest of the post is all emo. so dun read. i just nid sum place to vent it out.
my mood went a new low today. my bottled up feelings came poof* again. i was emotionless. i was just stone cold. my heart was aching badly, i knew i nid to look away, yet i cant help wondering. Being slammed in the face, i can only walk away. Im sorry. Im rly petty, cos i cant take another fall. I regretted doing that, but i dunno wad else i could do. Now my heart is heavy, and it aches, yet i could no longer weep, to make myself better. You once asked me, who was the closest to me. I said you. tt sentence probably killed me. somehow i hope u see this, yet i hope u dun. i haf no reason to stumble you, cos it is my double-edged sword. my destiny, my life, my burden. maybe someday all this will change, but i cant afford falling now. im rly scared of it this time. so let it go jed. just let it go. if we were meant to reconcile, sum day it will be.
Friday, May 02, 2008
4 days. WOW
ANYWAY. just a small update on this past week which is nth much to talk abt since i always wake up at nite and dota till morning.
Mon - I woke up at nite. so yea. SUPPER
Tues - 'date' wif jerica. met up wif xy n guy. SUPPER AGAIN wif J BOY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY J BOY.
Wed - clubbing plan was threw off. it's being labour day eve. I rmb gg out tt nite. bt i cant rmb where.
Thurs - Chailian's bdae HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY bt i noe u dun visit the blog. so wad the heck. we bought ANNA SUI's perfume for her. if u all dunno wat's tt. hang out wif me more often. seriously u nid to. Anyway, we den realised sum1 bought her tt alr, and our boss gave her gucci bag. OUCH. 800 bucks dmg! and her 21st being held at the corridor is just. hugeeee... we covered dunno how many units' space that day.
Fri - Went to cell. HI JOACHIM. ty sean for letting me leave my bag there. Supposedly to club at phuture today. But i reached there late and the tix were sold out. even our connections couldn't get us in. MISSED OUT A GREAT DEAL OF FUN. nvm. thr's owaes next wed and fri and wed n fri(LY I'LL LOOK FORWARD TO SEE MAMBO QUEEN IN ACTION SOON, and no sy, IM NOT MAD.)
Sat 12AM MORNING - Went to watch IRON MAN wif dan. it ROCKS. REALLY ROCKS. but we were too broke and had to go hm to cook our own supper. i realised i have not eaten the entire day except for sum refreshments and sean's hse. Anyway my noodle consist of cuttlefish balls and crabsticks and egg! woots wholesome meal at 4am. it's like breakfast i tell ya!
ok! im gg off to shower/dota. till den. stay nice and dun be naughty =D