Jed's time in bystander
It was my first try at biz on a main scale wif my friends. i learnt alot during that period of time and sadly due to sum circumstances i had to withdraw. Not alot of people knew abt it yet. But im still rooting for dan to work hard! Anything u nid come find me dude! =)
Our first most decent photoshoot for Spring 08 Collection!
E410 First Valentine's Day
We never had did had Valentine's Day before till 08. haha all the talk about not getting attached in the subzone den was a fad in the past when it was broken by Jc n ly. hahaha! But yes, this was our first 'grp date' since all of us had no date on tt day. It was funny and.. well... fun i tink? U see, on tt day. We sowed a seed for jc n ly. hahaha! big angbaos for all of us.

Graduation Day!
Finally able to step out of the polytechnic and be free! no more late night projects chionging, only late night supper plus chiongsua in camp -.-".

Jed's First Blood Donation
I was not prepared for this at all. Ly n V kinda decided for me and sign me up. N here i was, donating blood to save lives out there! hahaha. I rmb tt the nurse told me it wun hurt as bad as the drawing blood by the army medic, and when she injected me, i turned my head to look at her. YOU BLUFF ME! hahaha! but after tt day, i grew no fear of needles anymore. N my life wif needles began that day. injections after injections! RWAR!
Jed's pre enlistment to army farewell.
I was emo like hell mths before i enlisted. I guess it was the big unknown tt i was going to jump into and i dun like the idea of a freebird being withheld in a cage. Haha, it was a big hoohaa den for me. And it was really stupid now to look back at it. Army has changed me for the better. N i never regretted it ever since then.

My last happy meal that day =(

It was the most fun time of my life during my BMT period at Tekong. I lost the most weight there, and everything there was just really fun. There were alot of tough times, but we emerge stronger everytime we walk out of it. I learnt something. "everything is fun. but play one time can already!"

First n second injury in army
hi all. Shyan's getting better, or so the doctor say. If im not wrong, he's conscious and coughing at the moment. Doc say that coughing is good for him, if i haven heard wrong. By thanks for all your prayers so far. I know some of you guys wanna visit him but couldn't cos im currently taking over the shop till this incident is over or Hong's ready to return. Anyway thanks for all your prayers so far. It's really getting better from what i heard, even though it's slow, but it's improving. Thank God for that. =)