Anyway xy came to meet us up in town, even though we left for simei in like 2 hrs time. met up wif guyson, n embark on our frightening journey of final destination. y?
U guys recall the movie final destination? the movie tt u escapes death alot of times? n finally death catches up wif ya? well, tt happens to us, bt ty God, im still here, escaping death itself, 3 times. Each time closer than the other.
1. we were driving along east coast park, whr there's hell lotsa humps at 1+ am. guyson blur blur happily speeding, when xy suddenly shouted "eh hump!!!!" next thing we knew, we were off the road, flew few cm off the air. LOL..
2. we were driving n approaching the split road, n guyson was heading towards the middle of it, whr's thr's bumps n barricades.. we screamed again n he make a sharp turn, missing it by few inches.
3. we were driving n rite in front of us is a stationary cab. n yar. we almost crashed into it. Guyson did another sharp turn at the last sec. We barely miss it, bt the sidemirror crashed into the bumper. U can imagine hw close we were.
all stunts above were driven at least 70-80km/hr.
We ate supper at simpang, n drank coke at the beach at east coast park, watched abit of soccer at jason's hse n finally resigned home.

My pattaya rice, also known as fried rice in omelette.
pic is abit blur. bt thr's prawns, squid n lotsa chicken.. NICE.


u scoop ur sugar from tis sugarcane cup.

Xy face on each of the stunts.
ok. i noe the post today is pathetic.. bt my fone went flat during the whole exciting journey.. or i'll take more fotos... n im gg outta to meet jason n xy for supper at my hse coffeeshop dwnstairs. gtg!